100k Special

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Hello, everyone! I was looking through the results of the voting and I was pleasantly surprised by what was being voted for. Then @n1ght_dr34m3r gave me a wonderful suggestion. I'm showing the jealous maknae line with a bratty Jungkook. 

As I've gotten to know the guys over the years, I learn little things about them along the way. Jin-Oppa is a mother to everyone, including Mi Ho-unni on occasion, but he means well. Also, he rivals Jungkook in physical strength. Yoongi seems cold to people don't know him, but he's the sweetest man you'll ever meet once you peel back the layers. Thankfully, I've done that a long time ago. Hobi seems happy and joyful most of the time, but even he has days when he needs someone to vent to about his issues. Namjoon acts serious, but he's actually a massive goofball. The problem is he has to be serious most of the time just so things can get done. 

Then we have the maknae line, who appointed themselves as my little brothers. Jimin is the oldest of the three and while he is a kind person, you don't want to upset him. Taehyung is the most eccentric, but that's what makes him lovable. Jungkook may be young, but he's wittier and more observant than people give him credit for. As much as I care for them, they can be so jealous when they have no reason to be.

For example, I invited them to eat lunch with me at a sushi restaurant because they have been rehearsing since early morning. Jungkook was especially seeking my attention, "Noona, you ought to hear the songs we've been preparing!"

I chuckled at his enthusiasm, "I will when Yoongi isn't holed up in his studio."

"Can't you go in at any time?" Jimin asked.

"I could, but I wouldn't intrude on him, except to feed him," I replied.

"Eunji-noona?" a familiar voice asked behind me.

I turned around to see Joshua from Seventeen. I smiled, "How are you doing, Joshua?"

"I'm doing fine, Noona," he replied.

He noticed the maknae line and bowed, "Hello, sunbae-nim."

They nodded and Jungkook said, "Hello."

I shook my head and asked, "Are you alone?"

"No, I brought MInghao with me," he replied.

It took me a moment, but I realized who he was talking about, "Oh, The8! Where is he?"

"He's trying to figure out what to drink, though I was sure he would recognize you by now," Joshua explained.

As soon as he said that, Minghao approached us with a large grin on his face, "Jiejie! You're here too?"

I smiled, "Yes."


Seriously? This was supposed to be just us and Eunji-Noona, but two Seventeen members are here. I don't hate them, but they're taking away our time with Noona. During their conversation, they kept switching from Korean to Mandarin for Minghao's sake whenever there was something in Korean that he couldn't pronounce. Then I noticed the server walking in our direction. Since I was sitting next to Eunji-Noona, I wrapped an arm around her and said, "Noona, our server is coming."

She looked at me then looked at Joshua and Minghao, "It was nice seeing you again."

Once they walked away, Eunji-Noona gave me a look, "An arm around my shoulders? Really?"

I gave her my saddest face, "You're my Noona. What would I do if you left me?"

Eunji-Noona just shook her head, "You would have no one to vent to and we can't have that, can we?"

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