Skool Luv Affair Photoshoot

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Me and the boys were in the van headed to the venue. I shook my head, "It's too cold for this. I feel horrible for all of you."

Jungkook snuggled closer to me, trying to get whatever warmth from my body. I forget how young he is sometimes. Taehyung pouted, "Why aren't I next to you, Noona?"

Yoongi chuckled, "You should've called a seat quicker."

I rolled my eyes, "I can't believe all of you actually compete for a seat next to me."

Jin-sunbae looked at me, "I've tried to explain that you're only one person, but it's like they're completely deaf."

The maknae line chorused, "We love our Noona!"

I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. Then I saw we have arrived, "We're here."

The moment we stepped out of the van, the cold air hit us hard. The boys were moved to hair, makeup, and wardrobe quickly. Taehyung grabbed me and Mi Ho-unni's arms, "Hold me, Noonas!"

We hugged him for a moment, then I moved over to Yoongi. I said, "You look like a cartoon character, the way you're shivering."

He tries to laugh, but it's not very convincing. Letting him go, I went to Jungkook in an attempt to warm him up more. Jimin said, "Mommy!"

I heard Mi Ho-unni giggle under her breath. Jungkook held me tighter, "Can't you be in this photo with us, Noona?"

I shook my head, "I'm not the actress you'll be performing with, so no."

When it was time to start shooting, the boys put their coats to the side and went in position in front of the camera. I'll admit, everyone looked great. Mi Ho-unni was trying her best not to stare at Jin-sunbae. I chuckled, "It's hard, isn't it?"

She scoffed, "Hello, pot. My name is Kettle."

I chuckled, but she's not wrong. I'm trying not to stare at Yoongi, even though he looks so handsome in a school uniform. Back then, I always thought he looked cute in one. Things have changed since then. When the group shot was over, Yoongi and Jungkook shared a scene where they had to glare at each other. I noticed they couldn't really keep a straight face for more than ten seconds and neither could I. Jungkook respects Yoongi too much to glare at him. They checked the photo and Yoongi said, "Wow, it's turning out nice."

I smiled, "Yes, it is."

When they were done, I walked over to the van where everyone else was and knocked on the window. Taehyung opened the door. I said, "It's time for the classroom shoot now."

With a sad frown because they were leaving the warm van, they followed me. While they were standing in front of the heater, I asked Minho-sunbae, "How did you find this place?"

"With great difficulty," he answered.

I saw the boys trying to keep themselves warm and Yoongi is spinning Jungkook. I said, "You'll make him dizzy like that."

He laughs at me and they continue with the photos. I look up once and Yoongi bit his lip. I had to look away for a second. Mi Ho-unni giggles at me, "You're so cute right now."

"Oh, give me a break," I told her.

After that, we moved to the safe house. Yoongi doing redoing his tie. I smiled because I would do his tie all the time when we were younger.

Flashback: High School, 2nd Year

I sighed, "It's a new year, Yoongi. Are you ready for this?"

He shrugged, "I guess."

I looked at his tie, "Yoongi, your tie is way too loose."

I stop him from walking and I re-tied his tie. After that, he smiled, "Thank you, Eunji-ah."

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