Dope MV Shoot and Photo shoot

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I couldn't help but be in awe of the space we were using. I said, "This place is awesome! Minho-oppa, how do you find these locations?"

"Word of mouth, mostly," he replied.

"Meaning you turn on the charm and they just hand you the permits?" Mi Ho-unni asked in a teasing manner.

Minho-oppa chuckled, "I'm not that great with words, Mi Ho."

She smiled, "With that rich chocolate voice of yours, you don't need to be."

I laughed, then BTS arrived and greeted us. I smiled, "Good morning, guys."

Once they sat down, me along with the other coordi-unnis began applying their makeup and fixing their hair. I was working on Jungkook who seemed particularly excited about this video. Once I was done with him, I sent him straight to wardrobe. Yoongi came to me in his outfit asking, "When do we leave?"

I chuckled, "You just got here, Producer-nim."

He smiled, "We're being professional, now?"

"I'm just trying to avoid drama from my coworkers, that's all," I explained.

He nodded, "That makes sense."

We started shooting with Namjoon, Jungkook, and JImin since they start the video. While on break, I asked Hobi, "How do you like this song?"

"It's an amazing song. The performance is also amazing. Just like the title, it's really dope," he answered.

It took us an hour just to film 15 seconds of footage because of all the prep work we had to do. While we were helping everyone get changed, Jimin asked Minho-oppa, "If a person who dyed their hair like this was like, 'Hello, I'm a new worker here," would others like it?"

Minho-oppa chuckled and replied, "It depends on where you work."

Finally the first group dance was shot. After that, we had to help everyone in their individual outfits. I felt the worst for Hobi because he was a racer. Before we started filming, I could tell he was hot, but he took it in stride for his scene. When he was done, I gave him a bottle of water. He took a drink and said to both me and Mi Ho-unni, "It's my car. Wanna get in?"

Mi Ho-unni laughed, "Maybe some other time."

I was touching up Yoongi's hair when he said, "When do I get off work? A company employer waiting to cut off work..."

I chuckled, "Now you know we don't work regular hours."

He filmed his scene next. I checked the time. We've been here for 15 hours and we've been trying our best to keep everyone awake. Mi Ho-unni was getting rather tired herself, unfortunately, "Oh, why is filming music videos so exhausting?"

"Because we all put so much love in them," I replied.

We were finally filming them in their different professions and I thought it was so slick. After that, I could see the guys playing with each other. Jungkook came over to me and put his police hat on my head and I just laughed. I can also see Namjoon having fun. Then they took a funny group picture. After that, Yoongi gave me a tired smile just to assure me he was alright. We filmed the final scene. I checked the time. It was 9 am! I looked at Mi Ho-unni and Minho-oppa, "We're been here a long time."

Minho-oppa chuckled, "You did bring sleeping bags, right?"

We nodded, then he said, "Well, better get some rest while you can because we have to do the photo shoot in a few hours."

We nodded, then unfolded our sleeping bags and went to sleep. My phone ringing woke me up. It's been 3 and a half hours, really? I refolded my sleeping bag and proceeded to wake up the group. While I was doing Yoongi's makeup, he asked me, "Aren't you tired?"

I chuckled, "I am, but we're not done yet."

We went to the elevator where the pictures will be taken. While Namjoon was being photographed, Yoongi was making faces behind Hobi to keep me laughing. He went in front of the camera. I couldn't help but admire how hot he looks right now. He gave me a look and I almost sat down because I could sense the heat behind his look. When he was done, Hobi was next. I whispered to Yoongi, "You realize we're still at work, right?"

He just smirked at me. Shaking my head, I looked at Jin and Jungkook, who were being the loving brothers they are by hugging each other. I was working on Jimin when I noticed that poor Taehyung was asleep in his chair. I put down my makeup brush long enough for him to say to Taehyung, "Don't die,"

I chuckled, "He'll be fine, Jimin."

Jin and Jungkook were shooting when Taehyung finally woke up. I touched up his hair and his shooting began. Jimin looked at a pair of shoes and asked, "Why do they have the ballet shoes?"

I shrugged, "I honestly have no idea."

Then Sejin-oppa came in with many boxes of pizza. At the moment, it looked like a feast, so we all enjoyed it. Of course, Namjoon said, "Should I eat more or not?"

I chuckled, "I won't judge you if you ate more. We're been here for several hours after all."

He just smiled. We finally get to the unit shootings. After that, we were done. Mi Ho-unni stretched a bit, then said, "When we get home, I'm taking a nap."

I nodded, "You're not the only one."

We cleaned and we all piled up in the van. I was between Jungkook and Yoongi while Mi Ho-unni was between Jin-oppa and Jimin. We were all asleep until the van stopped. We all dispersed, but Yoongi was not letting me go. I said, "We both need to shower."

"Fine, but I'll be here when you get back," Yoongi said, walking out the door.

Mi Ho-unni gave me an evil smile. I said, "If Jin-oppa walks in, I'm sending him to your room."

She sighed, "He's not ready for sleeping next to me yet."

I hugged her, "One day, he will be. Just give him time."

"I don't mind giving him time. Unlike my last relationship, Jin-oppa is a keeper," Mi Ho-unni replied.

I smiled, "On that note, I agree. Now, I need to shower."

I got in the shower and washed away my work day and a half. When I stepped out fully clothed, Yoongi was already in my bed. I chuckled and laid down next to him and whispered, "You work too hard for your own good. Always composing, always practicing, always performing."

I began stroking his hair. I stopped for a moment, then he mumbled, "Why'd you stop? That feels nice."

I smiled and kept going.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I hope you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Here's DOPE!

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