130k Special

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This is one of the few times I get to go home and visit my family. I decided to help Eomma reorganize her closet, then I came across an old photo album. I asked, "Eomma, what's this?"

She looked at me and smiled, "This is from when you and your oppa were very young. You were 3 if I recall. Soo Ji was still a baby."

I started looking through the photos and I came across one with me and another boy my age hugging while we slept on a couch. Eomma smiled, "That's you and Yoongi during your appa's birthday party."

I gave her a shocked expression, "Why were we hugging?"

"Well, you two were playing tag while I and Yoongi's eomma were watching you. I still remember it like it was yesterday," Eomma said with a smile.


Mr. Park was chatting with his friends who attended the party while Mrs. Park and Mrs. Min were watching their toddlers playing tag. Mrs. Min smiled, "You'd think they would be tired by now. Yoongi hasn't been tagged by Eunji yet."

Mrs. Park chuckled, "That's my daughter for you. Giving up is not in her DNA."

Then Yoongi tripped and fell. Eunji ran over to him and asked sadly, "Are you alright?"

Yoongi looked upset, then Mrs. Min walked over to him to check if he got injured. It turns out he scraped his knee. Mrs. Min said, "Don't worry, Yoongi. Eomma will take care of it."

She picked up the child and placed him on her lap. She pulled out some antibiotic cream and placed a small amount on Yoongi's knee. Then she placed a Band-Aid on the scrape. With a smile, she said, "There! All better now!"

But now Eunji looked sad. Mrs. Park asked, "What's wrong, Eunji?"

"He got hurt from playing with me. He hates me now," Eunji replied with tears in her eyes and buried her head in Mrs. Park's dress.

Yoongi looked at Eunji and asked Mrs. Park, "What's wrong with Eunji?"

"She thinks you're mad at her for you getting hurt," Mrs. Park explained.

Yoongi got off of his eomma's lap and tapped Eunji's shoulder. She looked at Yoongi and he was giving her a facial tissue, but he wasn't looking at her. He said with a blush on his face, "I'm not mad, but if you keep crying, I will be."

Mrs. Min almost scolded him, but Eunji took the facial tissue and wiped her face. Eunji smiled, "Thank you, Yoongi."

Yoongi just hummed in response. As the party went on, people were talking, food was eaten and the children continued to play. When the party was over, Mrs. Min asked Mrs. Park, "Have you seen Yoongi?"

Mrs. Park gave her a worried look, "I'm looking for Eunji. They couldn't have gone far."

Then Hyuk Jae walked over to Mrs. Park and told her, "Eomma, Mrs. Min, they're on the couch napping."

Both mothers looked on the couch to see their children in a hug asleep. Mrs. Park called for her husband, "Do you still have that camera?"

"The disposable one? Yes, but there's only 2 shots left," Mr. Park answered while walking toward her.

"It's fine. I only need 1," Mrs. Park retorted while taking the camera.

Mr. Park had no idea what she was talking about until he saw the scene in front of him. Mrs. Park took 1 photo from a squat position. She said, "Isn't it the cutest thing?"

Mr. Park raised an eyebrow, "They're several years too young for this amount of contact."

Mrs. Min laughed, "Don't worry. They're too innocent to understand."

She gently removed the children's arms from each other and picked up Yoongi. She whispered to Mrs. Park, "Send me a copy when the pictures are ready."

The mothers smiled, then Mrs. Park said, "Well, this was definitely a great birthday party. Help me get the children ready for bed?"

Mr. Park chuckled, "Fine, but keep in mind, the day hasn't ended yet."

The not-so-innocent smile he gave his wife told her everything that was going to happen later.


I laughed, "I really thought Yoongi hated me over a scraped knee?"

"Well, you were a rather sensitive child. Not much has changed," Eomma told me.

I playfully glared at her, "You and Auntie Min knew we were going to be together, didn't you?"

"Of course we knew. We almost had your marriage arranged, but both your appa and his were against it," Eomma explained.

I sighed, "Thank you, appa."

Eomma gave me a sharp look. I held my hands in surrender, "I say that because if you had it arranged, I don't think we would've come together on our own."

Her face softened, "Well, when you put that way, it makes sense. Please, give me context next time."

I smiled, "Yes, Eomma."

I took a picture of the photo, then finished the closet with Eomma. I took the train back to the apartment. I barely made it past the front door when I saw Yoongi asleep on the couch. I sighed, "I told him not to wait on me."

I walked toward the couch and rubbed his temple and stroked his hair. He opened his eyes and said, "About time you came home. I was getting worried."

I laughed, "You didn't have to wait on me. Where is everyone else?"

"They all went out to get food, so we'll be by ourselves for the next hour," Yoongi explained.

I smiled and showed him the photo, "Eomma took this photo of us back then."

I told Yoongi the story, then he chuckled, "So, even back then, I couldn't stand seeing you cry."

I laughed, "Yeah. How about a movie until everyone comes back?"

He nodded and kissed my lips, "I'd like that."

And that's the special! Hello, everyone! This was a lot of fun to write and I may do the proposal on a later special or a main chapter, whichever comes first. Also, Agust D is back and I'm here for it! I pray you're doing well, staying safe and I hope you enjoyed the special!

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