The Most Beautiful Moment In Life Pt. 2 Photoshoot (Day 2)

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We started to set up everything for the Gimpo shoot. I couldn't help but admire everyone's jackets. I said, "I'm stealing Jimin's jacket."

Mi Ho laughs at me, "That's because he's the only member closest to your size."

"Hey, I've always been smaller than most people, alright?" I told her. We started with Jimin and Taehyung. They kept on debating on how the piggyback ride should go.

Namjoon decided to tease them by saying, "Orange-hair and his pet dog."

When we were done with them, we moved on to Namjoon. While that was happening, I was finishing up the butterfly on Yoongi's right hand. To my surprise, he was remaining still for this process. I looked up and he looked away. I chuckled, "I could sense you staring at me, you know."

"You just look so focused," he told me with a pout.

I shook my head and gave the butterfly one last stroke of my brush, "All done."

After that, he went in front of the camera. He smiled at me on occasion.  I said, "I haven't drawn butterflies in a while. I'm thankful this one turned out alright."

Minho-oppa squeezed my shoulder and said, "I never doubted you for a second."

After Yoongi was done, it was Jungkook's  turn. I thought it was funny seeing him in a shopping cart given how tall he is. After a while, Taehyung decides to push him for a while. I said, "Having fun?"

Taehyung smiled at me, "Yes, we are. Would you like a ride when Jungkook's through?"

I shook my head with a smile, "No thank you."

When it was Jin-oppa's turn, he was holding a skateboard and I could see Mi Ho-unni trying her best to remain civil. I said, "We all know he's handsome. No need to highlight it."

"No, please highlight it. Many fans don't notice him which is a crime in itself," she told me.

"Really?" I asked.

She nodded, "It's tragic."

I gave her a hug, "It'll be fine, Unni."

Jimin must have noticed the dip in atmosphere around us because he walked over to us and did some aegyo for us. The both of us ended up giggling afterwards. After that, he had to get in front of the camera. I said, "Where would we be without him?"

After that, I saw Taehyung using the same skateboard in his shots. I smiled, "Those pictures might turn out well."

Finally, to end the solo shots, it was Hobi at the railroad tracks. I'm thankful that the railroad wasn't being used, but I thought it would be terrible if it was being used at the moment. When he got up, I began to massage the back of his head, "I could see your discomfort a mile away."

He gave me a soft smile. I stopped once it seemed like he was about to fall asleep. The last shot was the guys running across the street. Finally, we were done. I let out a long sigh, "I'm hungry."

"Same here. I hear there's a Chinese restaurant nearby. Want to eat there?" Minho-oppa asked.

Me and Mi Ho-unni agreed quickly and the guys were behind us with hopeful eyes. Minho-oppa smiled, "You can come too."

The maknae line hugged the three of us while the hyung line just smiled at us. We all went to the restaurant and thankfully there was enough room in a corner for all of us. Naturally, Jin-oppa and Mi Ho-unni were next to each other and me and Yoongi were next to each other. Next to Yoongi was Jimin, then Taehyung, Namjoon, Hobi, Jungkook, Sejin-oppa, and Minho-oppa. I said, "I believe the fans will love this comeback."

Minho-oppa nodded, "I agree."

Once we got our food, there wasn't much conversation which made sense because we were shooting all day. I noticed the tomatoes that littered my dish. I began removing them and I was halfway through them when Yoongi picked up the tomatoes I removed and picked up the rest from my dish. I couldn't help but feel touched by this and I saw Mi Ho-unni take a picture of this. I chuckled and told her, "For your private collection?"

"But of course," she responded.

Yoongi paid no mind to our banter and continued to eat. The maknae line on the other hand appear to be taking mental notes of this interaction. I continued to eat, then Hobi asked, "How come you don't like tomatoes, Eunji-noona?"

I figured one of them would ask someday. I said, "The taste and texture always bothered me, so I could never eat them."

"So that's why Yoongi-hyung eats them for you," Taehyung said.

I smiled at him, then I felt Yoongi's hand on my back and he whispered, "Would you like dessert later?"

I whispered, "That's sweet of you, but we might have spent enough here already."

He nodded, then finished his dish. We all paid for the food and we went back home. Me and Mi Ho-unni showered and were ready to sleep when I saw Yoongi in my room. I smiled, walked in, and joined him in the bed, "Do I need to make you a key?"

He shook his head, "I'd rather be invited in."

Then he hugged me closer and kissed me. I smiled, "We haven't been able to do that, have we?"

Rather than answer, he began kissing my neck. I say to him breathlessly, "You know I'm sensitive there."

"I know," he mumbled, still kissing my neck. I would've melted into a puddle of goo in his hands if it were possible. Then I ran my fingers through his hair.

He chuckled, "You like this hair color on me, don't you?"

I nodded, "It doesn't wash out your complexion, so yes. If anything, it makes you seem darker in certain lights."

"Well, we can't have that, can we? I would lose my stage name," he replied.

I pulled him in for a kiss, then said, "No one is going to stop calling you Suga any time soon, just like no one is going to let you forget your audition."

He raised an eyebrow and attacked my neck again.

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! Should I do a steamy chapter for either couple? I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also, can BTS please give me back my edges? They straight up snatched them with IDOL! Here's the video for this photo shoot!

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