The Most Beautiful Moment In Life Pt. 2 Photoshoot (Day 1)

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I took a deep breath as we walked toward the place we were to shoot in on Jeju Island. I smiled at that, then I notice that I'm not the one having fun. The guys were having fun as well before we had to get serious. Before we started shooting, Jungkook sent me and Mi Ho-unni a bunny smile. I laughed and said, "This will be a fun shoot."

This was made clear when they did a silly picture first. After that, I could tell that Jimin was having issues. I asked him, "What's up, Jimin?"

He looked at me and said, "There's no working bathroom anywhere."

I chuckled and replied, "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be near a working bathroom when this is all over."

When he walked away, Minho-oppa chimed in, "Sometimes we had to relieve ourselves in the woods."

I scoffed, "Too bad we can't do that. We have to use these woods for their beauty, not their free services."

Jimin started out with the use of bubbles. I just thought he was really cute. When he was through, it was Jungkook's turn to shoot some solo shots. Of course, he was having some issues with the kite he was using because the wind would blow and stop blowing at random. I felt awful because it's such a pretty kite. I wish I had it when I was a kid. After that, the guys had to get on top of some rocks for a group photo. Yoongi need some help getting up, so Hobi helped him up. After that, we are official taking pictures on the rocks which I was enjoying immensely. After that, we were in the woods. I said, "This is beautiful."

Minho-oppa smiled, "I'm glad you think so."

Yoongi started his solo shots. On occasion, he would smile at me. Mi Ho-unni said, "You two are so cute together. I'm thankful that you two don't make me cringe."

I chuckled, "Yoongi isn't like that. He's too shy for that."

"More like the other members give him and Jin-oppa trouble for it," she replied.

I laughed. Speaking of which, Jin-oppa had to work with a prop butterfly. I smiled, "I'm amazed that he hasn't been cast in a drama yet."

"I'm surprised Taehyung isn't in a drama yet. Better yet, cast them in one together," Mi Ho-unni said, his hands in prayer to whatever deity she believes in.

I smiled at that, then I look over to see Namjoon and Taehyung looking at the ground. I asked, "What caught your attention?"

"There's a large mushroom, Noona!" Taehyung told me, pointing at said mushroom.

I shook my head, "Just don't pick it up. We don't know if it's edible."

"I could check," Namjoon said.

"No. You will not be eating a raw mushroom on my watch," I replied sternly.

He laughed, "I'm joking, Noona."

I let out a breath, then had him squat a bit so I could touch up his hair. After that, we had Taehyung on a swing for his solo shots. I could tell he was still trying to impress me, but it was more to annoy Yoongi than anything else and it worked, to my dismay. Yoongi placed a hand on my shoulder. I whispered, "You realize it's all in good fun, right?"

He softly sighed, "I know. That's what makes this so irritating."

I squeezed his hand, "He just needs love and attention, just like Mochi."

His facial expression softened after that, then we had to continue with Namjoon, who was playing with marbles in his solo shots. I just thought he was cute. As it got darker, we had to wrap things up and thankfully Hobi was last. After that, we all packed up and got ready for the plane to Gimpo. I sat with Mi Ho-unni. This flight was only an hour, so I would be able to get some sleep when we get back. I look at the guys' sleeping faces and fight the urge to take a picture. They look so cute when they're asleep. When we got to the main land, the Styling Trinity was tasked with waking BTS. To no one's surprise, Yoongi and Namjoon was the most difficult to wake up. Once we got them up, Yoongi was holding my hand. I chuckled, "Don't want to lose me?"

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