Rap Monster's Do You MV Shoot

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The Styling Trinity arrived on the set of Do You. I couldn't help but think about how far Namjoon has come. His mixtape is being released and this MV will be beautifully shot. While I was working on Namjoon's hair, I giggled, "It feels weird just working on one member."

Namjoon smiled at me, "I would think you would enjoy that, Noona."

"It's a refreshing change of pace, but it's still weird," I replied.

I finished up his hair and Mi Ho-unni walks in with his outfit, "Here you go, Namjoon."

He smiled and went to another room to change. After that, he sat down in a chair and it was evident that he was restless. He asked, "Why aren't they starting the filming quickly?"

Minho-oppa laughed at that and said, "Take this time to breathe before you become Rap Monster, alright?"

Namjoon reluctantly nods, but it was apparent that something was bothering him. I asked, "Is something wrong?"

He looked at me and said, "I'm tired because the rest of BTS aren't here."

Then he looked away as if he was speaking to the sky, "Kids, what are you doing? JImin, Jungkook, Taehyung, I miss you. I love you."

I smiled, "They do make work days more bearable."

Then one of the coordi-unnis walked in and said, "They're ready to start filming now."

We walked on set. While Namjoon was performing, Mi Ho-unni said, "As much as I wanted to do more with the outfit, this is his vision and I can't mess with that. The respect I have for him won't allow it."

Minho-oppa nodded, "He's always been very driven."

I couldn't help but be in awe of Namjoon. He's handling all of this like the professional he is. When we watched the playback, he didn't expect what he saw either. He said, "I didn't think I'd be ablt to do this. I'm really surprised. But it's still awkward. It's not that good yet."

I shake my head, but I know I can't change his opinion. Then we had to film the scene where he is being moved between a multitude of microphones. Mi Ho-unni groaned, "Setting those up was a nightmare."

I waiting for Namjoon to come near me, then I handed him the microphone he needed for the scene. Once that was done, I was hearing several familiar voices. It was the rest of BTS with chicken. Namjoon was obviously happy, so me and the rest of the Styling Trinity stepped away to let them enjoy themselves. Mi Ho-unni  smiled, "They'll be together for a long time."

Me and Minho-oppa agreed with that. After they were doing eating and chatting, they decided to watch the playback of the video so far. The maknae line were enjoying themselves, Jimin being the most excited, while the older ones were viewing it with more serious faces. After it was done playing, I asked, "Any thoughts?"

Yoongi told me, "He's going to do really well. I believe in him, he's going to be great."

I smiled at that statement. Jungkook told me, "He actually seems like a leader, he has an aura of seriousness."

I laughed, "He always has that aura."

Then an excited Jimin said, "Rap Monster seems cool, he is as cool as the amount that he put into that."

I chuckled, "You really admire him, do you?"

He nodded, "I do, Noona. I wish I was cool like him."

I shook my head, "Jimin, you are cool. You just have a different cool to you. Don't ever change that for anyone."

He smiled, "Thanks, Noona."

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