Just One Day MV Shoot

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Me and Mi Ho-unni arrived in the dressing room. Minho-oppa smiled, "It seems I'll have to get used to seeing the both of you arrive at the same time."

Mi Ho-unni chuckled, "We could all live together."

"As tempting as that sounds, I like my privacy too much," he replied.

I scoffed, "You won't be saying that when you eventually get married, unless you haven't served your two-year military enlistment."

"I already have, the moment I turned 20, actually," he retorted.

I couldn't help but to smile at that. I asked, "I guess you found a way to hone your skills while you were serving."

Minho-oppa smiled at that, "But of course. There wasn't a day when someone didn't need a haircut."

Then BTS walked inside. They greeted everyone and we started to get them ready. Most of them were still sleepy, especially Yoongi. One of the other stylists was holding his head up while I was applying his makeup. While I found this easier because they barely moved when I did this, I still wanted them to sleep properly. Jin-oppa, Jimin, and Hobi seemed to be good spirits, though. When I finished with Yoongi, he said, "There's a special item in this dance, Noona; the chair."

I smiled, "I heard about that from your performance director. He also seemed to hear about me dancing with Jimin and tried to recruit me."

Hobi sheepishly giggled, "I may have recorded it and he might have watched it over my shoulder."

I chuckled, "I won't bother you about it anymore."

After a while, we got everyone dressed, awake and we all walked on set. I looked at Mi Ho-unni, "All this is possible because of you."

Mi Ho-unni smiled at me, "As usual, you give me too much credit, Eunji."

Jin-oppa seemed to have heard this and held up the prop rose, "Thank you for this, Mi Ho-ssi."

I shook my head, "Jin-oppa, do you have a real gift to give her?"

"Not yet, but one day," he responded.

I walked away from this scene and I saw Jungkook, who was amazed by the set. He asked, "Can we shoot all of our videos here, Noona?"

I laughed, "I wish we could, Kookie."

I walked over to Yoongi. I asked him, "Enjoying yourself?"

He nodded, "And these clothes look good."

I smiled at him, "Thank Mi Ho-unni for that. She came up with the concept while I was with you preparing the gifts for the A.R.M.Ys."

He smiled, "Remind me to do that."

I looked at Namjoon and I asked him, "Are you alright, Namjoon?"

He chuckled, "Usually if it's going wrong, I'm not nervous, but it's too good, now I'm nervous."

I patted his shoulder, "Don't be. You guys will do great."

I moved out of the way of the cameras so filming can start. The dance scene begins and I'm amazed by the dance. I never thought to use chairs for a song like this, but that's why I'm not the performance director. During a break, Taehyung tries to impress me yet again by "modeling" for me. I laugh, "Taehyung, there's no need for that."

He smiles at me, "Why not? I wouldn't want you leaving me."

I put my hands on his shoulders, "Taehyung, I won't be leaving you anytime soon."

Taehyung looks at Hobi, who isn't too far away and said, "You hear that, Hyung? She's not leaving me!"

I laughed and they had to return in front of the camera. Me and Mi Ho-unni was gushing at Jungkook, "Who knew he could be so cute?"

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