I Need U MV Shoot

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Here we are, outside in the street, ready to film I Need U. Me and Mi Ho-unni were excited for this because this is the first time that the guys will do any acting. Well, Jin-oppa studied acting, so I figured this would be a great time for him to shine. I wasn't the only one to think this because Mi Ho-unni whispered, "I get to see my man act."

I smiled, "Not yet, Unni. We're starting with Hobi."

She chuckled, "I suppose I can keep my inner fangirl at bay for a little longer."

Minho-oppa said, "Please do. This will be a long few days of filming."

I chuckled, then we had to start filming Hobi. His character is someone who is heartbroken and is suffering from narcolepsy. I felt horrible for him because he had to "fall asleep" on the concrete multiple times. Once he caught a break, we were fixing his clothes and he said, "It's hot."

I nodded, "Need some water?"

He nodded and I came back with a bottle of water. After drinking half the bottle, he was back in front of the camera. After one last take, he was done for the time being. We had to move to a different part of town for Jungkook's scene. Taehyung was after him, so he was around between takes to keep his spirits up by playing with him. Once they were done, all of the members had to be around for the bonfire scene. Once again, the maknae line needed warmth from me and Mi Ho-unni. I said, "I know it's cold, but you all know we have a job to do."

They reluctantly join the others to start filming. Once the flares started, Mi Ho-unni ran toward Minho-oppa, who just laughed and hugged her, "Afraid of flares?"

"Flares and anything that explodes," she replied.

I smiled, "Funny. Yoongi is afraid of fireworks himself."

(A/N: I personally felt sorry for Yoongi in this moment.)

Minho-oppa laughed at that, "I remember that. Didn't he run straight to you when that happened?"

I smiled, "He did and I must say, he mastered the koala hug very well. He's been around Jimin too long."

Mi Ho-unni seemed to have calmed down, then we were done with the bonfire. It was time for the scene where they start running around. I just smiled at everyone. The group genuinely hanging out with each other and enjoying each other's company is something they can never fake even if they tried. After filming them cause havoc in a diner, the first day of filming was over. Minho-oppa said, "I'm going to sleep after this."

I laughed, then we all packed up and went home for the night. The next day, we were at the railroad track for the next few scenes. There were some group scenes then I saw Jungkook playing around getting caught in Namjoon's scene in the process and messing with some rocks and an umbrella.

(A/N: Pretend the person filming is Eunji.)

Then I heard a scream behind me. It was Hobi trying to get down from a train car. I laughed, then I gave Hobi a small hug to calm him down. Then Yoongi yells, "I want to go back!"

I said, "Well, too bad, my friend. It's all for the ARMYs after all."

He gave me a small glare, but he shook it off. When the Bangtan Bomb camera arrived, Namjoon and Yoongi wasting no time promoting the song. Later that night, the scene where Jin-oppa drives a car was being prepped. Some of the members climbed in the car. I asked, "Is everyone comfortable?"

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