Agust D MV Shoot Day 2

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The next morning, I have already showered and began to prepare coffee for everyone. I prefer my coffee creamy, Mi Ho-unni likes hers sweet, but Yoongi prefers his coffee with nothing added. Mi Ho-unni stepped out of her room and immediately grabbed a mug, "Is the coffee ready yet?"

I chuckled, "It's almost done. Just please don't use all the sugar."

"Hey, coffee for me is too bitter by itself. I don't see how Yoongi can drink it straight," Mi Ho-unni replied.

I smiled, "It's been like that since we've both started drinking coffee."

Then I heard Yoongi groan, "Eunji-ah, you know how cold it gets when you leave the bed."

The coffee finished brewing, then I poured him a cup, "Here's something to warm you up."

He smiled and took a sip, "Why don't you make our coffee from now on?"

I scoffed, "I do enough for you as it is."

Mi Ho-unni came to Yoongi with a bag, "Jin-oppa was generous enough to let me find some clothes for you to change into. You really need to explore more color options."

I laughed, "Maybe you'll be able to help him with that. I've tried for years with little success."

Yoongi chuckled, "Jin-hyung is lucky to have you, Mi Ho."

He walked away to the shower. I laughed, "Jin-oppa is lucky to have you, Unni."

Mi Ho-unni smiled, "I'm lucky to have him, too. I wish he would ask for what he wants every once in a while. He's always taking care of everyone."

"That's how he is. Selfless to a fault. Yoongi is the same way. He's just quieter about it," I told her.

Yoongi stepped out towel drying his hair. He asked, "Are we ready?"

I nodded, "We are. I just need to grab my bag."

I picked up my bag of essentials for today and we all left out of the room. We took the stairs down to the bottom floor. When we reached the garage, Sejin-oppa was already in the driver's seat waiting for us. Mi Ho-unni sat in the passenger seat and I and Yoongi sat in the back seat. During the drive, Yoongi had his head on my shoulder. I smiled, "You haven't started filming yet."

"I'm resting while I can," he told me, snuggling closer to me.

I smiled and kissed his forehead. Once we reached the location, we were to continue from where Yoongi kicked the door. Mi Ho-unni already out him in his outfit, so he walked over to me to get his hair and makeup done. I asked, "Why was the shower so cold this morning?"

He chuckled, "I was too exhausted to turn on the boiler last night."

I shook my head, "Next time that happens, let me know."

He smiled and I finished his makeup and hair. We all walked to the truck where the next scene is being filmed. I said, "Please try to stay safe."

He smiled and gave me a finger heart. He climbed on top of the cab in the truck and his safety gear was being checked again. While he was sitting on top of the truck, he gave me a smile. I laughed, "He's feeling better about today."

Minho-oppa chuckled, "Maybe because this time we're making progress."

While the truck was moving, Yoongi was giving it his all during filming. When the scene was done, Yoongi came back to monitor the playback. I said, "One would think you've been doing this for years."

He laughed and we were back to filming. Yoongi didn't want to leave the tunnel we were filming in, but we all knew it was going to happen. The truck pulled back and Yoongi looked concerned. I asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Too many mosquitos!" he exclaimed.

I laughed, "Maybe if you went camping with me before, you wouldn't be in this fix."

I decided to be merciful and climbed up to apply repellent on him. After I did that, he was given a water break. After that, he continued to film. He has taken many small breaks in between and I was happy that he was pushing on. Finally, we were done with the music video. Thankfully, it was still daylight and I asked Yoongi, "You hungry?"

He smiled, "Very."

"Well, I've been craving dumplings as of late," I told him.

Mi Ho-unni looked at us and smiled, "Did someone say dumplings?"

I looked at her and smiled, "I said it, Unni. Would you like to join us?"

"Yes, I would," she replied, picking up her bag.

Minho-oppa walked over, "Is it alright if I join you?"

Yoongi chuckled, "Sure, hyung. I would hate to be left alone with two beautiful ladies."

Mi Ho-unni laughed, "Be careful with what you say, Yoongi."

Once we cleaned up the set, the four of us left to a restaurant that thankfully served dumplings. 

Mi Ho-unni took the first bite of a dumpling and groaned with happiness, "So good!"

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Mi Ho-unni took the first bite of a dumpling and groaned with happiness, "So good!"

I laughed, "How long has it been since you had a dumpling?"

"Almost 10 years. I've been working too much to enjoy good food," she explained.

Minho-oppa nodded, "I know what you mean."

Then my phone rang. It was Jungkook, so I answered it, "Hello, Kookie."

"Hey, Noona! How come Yoongi-hyung isn't home yet?" he asked.

I chuckled, "We're eating right now. Dumplings, actually."

He yelled in the phone microphone which caused me to move the phone from my ear, "Dumplings?! Why didn't you invite me?!"

I laughed, "You're supposed to be relaxing. If it'll make you feel better, I'll bring some dumplings to you and the rest of the guys."

"Thank you so much, Noona!" Jungkook replied.

"Is that Eunji-noona? Noona, come back and hug me! Kookie's being a brat!" I heard Jimin yell.

This time I laughed harder, "We'll be back soon."

When I hung up, Yoongi just smiled at me, "How are your children?"

"One, I never gave birth to them. Two, Kookie wants dumplings and Jimin needs a break from Kookie being a brat," I explained.

Minho-oppa laughed, "There's no escaping the maknae line, is there?"

I smiled, "Not really."

And that's the chapter! Hello, everyone! I just want to thank you for staying with me and I would like to welcome new readers to the story. I pray you're doing well and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Here's Agust D with his tongue technology!

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