"I'm Done"

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Double UPDATE !

Chapter 141

The last few days were good, Niall was around more and for a minute I thought everything was getting back to how was it was before.

I had just left out of my computer class that I signed up with Kevin for and I had just found out that I need certain books for it. So instead of going straight to the warehouse where Niall wanted me to meet him at I headed straight for the bookstore to buy my books. It had just gotten dark outside and I had only about 2 hours to look through the list of book to consider which one I needed before the store closed. I would have went with Kevin, but surprisingly he didn’t even show up. Walking in the store, grabbing a few books off my list as I went and sat at a table in the far back and began to look through them. I had sat there for probably half an hour when someone tapped the corner of my book. Looking up Kevin stood over me and smiled, “Studying?”

I smile, “Kind of. What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you actually.” Motioning to the seat next to me he says, “You got a minute?”

I nod, “For you I have 2.”

Sitting my bag on the table Kevin smiles as he pulls out his seat and sat brushing him legs against mine, making me fidget a little.

“You missed computer class.” I say.

He nods, “Yeah I know, I got caught up with something.”

“Oh. Okay, so what’s up?” I asked.

“What’s going on with you and Niall?’ he asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean, what’s going on with you and Niall.” He says as he looks at me, “I’ve seen the way that he has been treating you and how he has been pushing you away.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I say as I look at my class list to see what other books I needed.

“I think you do.” He says.

Standing up I grabbed the list as I say, “No I don’t.”

Walking to the back of the store I went to look for one of the books I needed when Kevin says, “I don’t like the way he is treating you Kitten you don’t deserve that.”

“I think that maybe you should finally get some business of your own. Then maybe you’ll learn to stay out of my relationship.”’

Kevin lets out a breath of irritation as he says, “Why are you so damn stubborn?”

“Why are you so damn tall?” I say trying to change the subject.

He does a double take at me and says, “Wait, what?”

“I don’t know.” I said pulling a book from the shelf as I start to read the book.

“Kitten look I know you don’t want to hear this but,”

Noticing I wasn’t paying attention to him, he snatches the book from my hand and says, “Damn it I’m trying to talk to you!”

Looking around I motion him to quiet down as I say, “You’re in a book store, use your indoor voice.”

“Fuck my indoor voice!”


“Give me 2 minutes, 2 minutes and I’ll leave.”

“Will you quiet down? Or should I go get you a microphone so you can tell the entire store our conversations?”

“I’ll lower my voice if you actually pay attention.”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now