Taking Off

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Chapter 164

Waking up the next morning, Niall made it hard for me to get out of bed and for once I didn’t fight with him about how late we had slept in. I missed two of my classes for the morning, but considering I had already turned in the assignment for the weekend anyways I figured why go? Rolling to my side, Niall snakes his arm around my waist pulling me back to press up against him just enough so I could feel him pressing his morning arousal against me. Biting my lip I wiggled against him as he presses against the fabric of his boxers that I wore making him groan.

“Not cool Princess.” He mumbles into the pillow, his voice deep with sleep.

“I thought it was.” I smiled as I trailed my fingers along the hand that was laying on my side.

“It wasn’t.” he says as he shifts to lay on his back, pulling me with him.

Adjusting how I was laying I turned, laying my head on his arm as I placed a hand on his chest, “What time is it?”

Looking over at the clock he sighs as he says, “2 hours past the time I promised the boys that I would be at the warehouse to finish getting you ready for your trip.”

I closed my eyes as his hand found its way to my hair, gently stroking it. We laid there quiet for a moment as I say, “I’ll be okay.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do so,” looking up at him I say, “What’s the worst that can possibly happen?”

“Besides you getting kidnapped again? You can always get shot, or one of the boys could get hurt.”

“Then make them stay, I don’t need them to go.”

Niall shakes his head, “This isn’t up for discussion. If Max and I can’t go they will, or by help me god I will swallow my pride and make Kevin go with you, just because I know he would be on your ass making sure you are okay.”

“You would trust me to go out of town with just him again?”

“Yes and no.”

I raised a brow.

“Yes I will trust you, no I won’t trust him. Especially after knowing about what almost happened when we broke up.” Niall takes a breath as he looks at the ceiling.

Rolling to face him I touch his cheek as I say, “Hey,” he looks down at me, “I love you, and only you. Nothing is going to change that.”


I nod, “Promise.”

“I love you.” he says.

“Forever.” I smiled.

We laid in bed for about an hour or two longer. It wasn’t until the phone wouldn’t stop ring when we got up and I finished packing my bag.

Walking into the living room, I dropped my duffle on the couch and walked over to the table going through the mail for the day.

Arms snaked around my waist as Niall buried his face into my neck, “Don’t go.”

I smiled, “I have to. It’ll only be for 2 days.”

“2 days is 2 long, especially since I just got you back.”

Sitting down the bills that I held turn to face him as I say, “What is up with you thinking you can get rid of me so easily?”

He shrugged, “I won’t lie, I honestly still think you’ll come to your senses and leave me alone, leave this life alone, but it wasn’t until you broke up with me that I realized that we are really two peas and a pod.”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now