Make The Call

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On the drive to Alex’s, I kinda held  my breath considering I hadn’t seen her since before I took off to Cali with Kevin. Which meant she doesn’t know that I went to visit Vincent, nor does she know about the box he gave me either. I’m pretty sure Abby told her about the Niall and Zoe issue, so me walking in with Niall at my side was going to be a bit to take in, and I was not up for her bullshit.

As Niall pulled into the driveway behind what I noticed was Kevin’s car, we both got out and shared a glance at each other.

“You ready?” he says.

“No.” I say as I closed my door.

“It’ll be fine.”

“So you say.”

Niall smiles, “What’s the worst that can happen?”

“Aside from Alex or Kevin putting a bullet in you?” I shrugged, “The worst that can happen would be me and Alex getting into it.”

“Again,” he says as I walk to his side meeting him in from of the car, “It’ll be fine.”

Wrapping my arm around his side, he wraps his around my shoulder pulling me to him as he kisses my forehead, “I love you.”

“Love you more.”

He smiles as he head towards the house. Opening the door we walk in, Niall behind me, as I call out, “Hello?!”

We walked over to the living and to the kitchen to see no one.

“Is anyone here!” I called out again.

There was a pause.

“In the back!” I hear a voice yell.

Walking towards the back where I knew Alex’ study was, I opened the door and walked inside. Everyone was in the room from Alex’s all the way to Louis.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Everyone turns to look at me, as they look up and over my shoulder at Niall. Kevin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he looks away. Harry stood and walked over to where we stood as he kisses my cheek.

“Hello luv.” Looking over my shoulder he says, “May I borrow him for a second?”

I nod, “Uh sure.”

He smiles as he hits Niall in his shoulder before walking out the room. Niall laid a caring hand on the lower part of my back as he turns and follows. Looking back at everyone I looked around and said, “Where’s Max?”

“Here,” a hand stuck up from waving behind the desk as I crossed the room and leaned over the desk.

“Well hello there shyness.” I smiled, “What’s going on?”

“We think we have a break in the case.” Says Louis as he stands and walks to the monitors

I looked up, “What kind of break?”

“We might know he is controlling everyone, who is giving out all the hit orders out.”

“Really?” I looked back at Max, “How?”

“Andy people have been slacking lately.” He says.

Raising from leaning on the desk I sit on top of the desk and crossed my legs as I say, “So who is it?”

“His name is Higgins, Paul Higgins. Broke out 3 years ago.” Says Louis.

“What’s so special about him?” I asked.

“Word is Simon, your dad, and Paul were real tight. He was one of the key people who started the business, making out the fab 3.” Says Liam.

“So he knows about the chip?”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now