#8 | Detroit: Become Real ✿ Connor x Fem!reader [AU]

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Requested: by HalleQuinn13

Title: "Detroit: Become Real" [AU]

Pairing: Connor x Human!female reader

Warnings: mild swearing 


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*Scenario: first crime scene with Lieutenant Hank Anderson. Victim: Carlos Ortiz.*


(y/n) smiled as she got to play again as her favourite character from Detroit: Become Human—Connor. She loved the detective side of the game so much, and not only because of Connor being her favourite character and all; it was because while looking for clues and analysing the evidence she felt like she was a real detective of some sort.

She sat up straight on her couch, her gaze completely focused on the TV screen while she gripped firmly the controller with both hands. She darted her eyes all around the screen while she listened to Hank and the other officer talk about the crime scene, and made Connor stand still in the middle of the room while she held the L1 button of her controller.

Once the debriefing was over, she was able to pay attention to the scene. Swiftly she made Connor move around the room, one by one she reviewed each and every clue she found. She left the victim, Carlos Ortiz, and the letters on the wall written in blood for last. She made Connor stand close to the body, and examined the rest of the evidence.





(y/n) pulled a weird face as she saw Connor rub two of his fingers against the bloody letters and then licked them softly. "Ew..." she chuckled awkwardly. She didn't expect that to happen. And then a new cut scene played.

"Err, Jesus! What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm analysing the blood. I can check samples in real time. I'm sorry... I should have warned you..."

"Ok, just... don't... put more evidence in your mouth, you got it?"

"Got it."

DETROIT: Become Human [one-shots]Where stories live. Discover now