I can heal*

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Messilina's POV

She backed away, step after a step with her confidence climbing up the window.

"I'm sure at this point I don't need to tell you what to do!" The lips were mine but the words and the courage were odd.
She sat far away, my eyes reverted to their green before Damian entered with a dagger.
The emperor seamed confused but somehow ready for anything I was up to.

"Please can you open your mouth even if slightly?" I requested the emperor.

He obeyed with no hesitation, and I slashed my palm as a drop of blood fell into his mouth.

The wound sealed suddenly with no trace of the cut or blood, Damian looked at me with a wide opened eyes.

Surprised as I was, did my palm just heal on its own? I tried it again, a drop fell out and it healed again.
A heavy groan escaped the emperor's lips which drew our attention, the empress stood to her feet, furious as hell, she glared at me and walked towards the emperor.

He shook and yanked himself on the bed as I saw the two drops of my blood spreading through his system.
It was repairing all the damages, few seconds on, everything came to a halt.

He lifted his left leg and it didn't fall back, his hands and they were up, at this point, the empress looked at me with a grateful heart, she looked cheerful so was everyone in the room.

Damian hugged me, and planted a kiss on my forehead, I was so glad that amidst all these circumstances, I was able to put such a wide smile on his face.
I'm left with few days to leave this kingdom, anyone who doesn't belong there must leave too.

The empress walked to me with tears in her eyes, she almost knelt before my feet but I held her up.
She hugged me and apologized for her behaviour earlier.

"Pearl?" The emperor started,
"We are in your debt again , your father started and you continued.
I am aware of everything that's going on in this kingdom just that I had no strength to make a statement, you have done such a good thing like this for my family and the whole empire .
You have been gifted and I won't question it, you wouldn't hurt a fly unless the ones that can't stay put, and will liberate the people of the Geater empire, and judge the wicked Agyepong family.

My blessings will be with you."
I knelt and took his blessings, following his words! It was time to punish the doctor who was not for the kingdom.

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