His Little One*

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Lucious's POV

Her statement caught me off guard , has she found out about her real identity?."what do you mean by that ?," I pried.

"I mean ,he just allowed his fellow to carry him on his armsand he childishly wrapped his arms around your neck like he is gay...., don't tell me he is ?," she stared in anticipation when I released the breath I had no idea I was holding within.

"No he's not and he can never be, he's just drunk and not in his senses right now ...you leave we will talk tomorrow... Why would you think that of all things... Bye!"I slammed the door behind her giving my full attention to Pearl,

Her eyes were flickering between green and blood red , she seemed to be in a lot of pain, I noticed her jaws tightening.

" Pearl !, what is happening to you...?" I splinted towards her.

"Stay ..b..back , !" She stuttered, "don't come closer, idiot!", she retorted.

"May be you should quit calling me that,.... Show some respect , at least in this condition, what happened?...will you tell me now?". I inquired.

" oh because you are now the replacement of my dad?, the one your uncircumcised father killed?,"she barked and clenched her teeth.

"Why do you keep dwelling on the past?, everything you are classifying as your pain is very old Pearl...I don't know how else to make you realize that!" I squeezed out my anguish.

"What you have done to me, everything I'm going through because of your cruel actions, are still in the present, not everything is in the past Lucious! ...it's your inconsiderate actions which... Which created  this hideous monster, I am now !," she spat tearfully and giggled,

"I was on my own...., minding my f*cking business...,, when this green thingy ,took over my systems , because my pain was too much to be solely endured, you had to have a taste of that bitter pool of pain you drenched me in!"

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