A Traitor's Secret*

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Hello guys

Messilina's POV

He rushed and stood behind me , that's a relief,  I slain those coming our way.
I should reverse it instead and not fight , but this boy has his arms around my waist. hopefully  with his attention far from what is going on, I can reverse it right here.

With a surreptitious glance , I monitored if anyone was looking my way.

Sure of no one watching ,I raised a hand and with full focus I recited the spell meant to reverse it.

"You have magic?,or are you a sorcerer?" A woman's voice sounded , it seams the heavy wind I felt was Ellern on her horse.

"Yeah I don't know what you are talking about!" I anxiously spoke to the squad of knights gathered around us.

"Don't lie , I saw you do magic, immediately you raised your hand and mumbled something , they turned into dust !" She reaffirmed with further information.

"Really , so you won't shut up huh?, what are you doing here anyway!" I  confidently probed, intending to  change the subject.

"You ...you're trying to change the subject, we are talking about you and your magic talent...why don't you want to tell the truth !" She made a turn which everyone seemed to be interested in.

"Alright may be I do, I messed around some years ago with some magical potions and studied feather to improve it but that doesn't make me a sorcerer... Now its your turn ?" I folded my arms.

"I ah ...I'm here to fight that demon too!" She enunciated quite nervously.

She avoided our gazes , pretending to being affected by the kisses from the sun.

"When I specifically ordered you not to !, are you that st*pid huh?" Lucious scolded her, in a much gentle manner.

"Here!," she presented him with a scroll, " your dad... the emperor gave me the permission to come and he also sent me with that to you guys, he said to read it before the dispersion but I think I arrived late !" She ended.

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