2. friday night, september 2003

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"Don't drink too much and don't be late back please." Penny Turner said as Alex left with Matt on the Friday of the party.

"Course not." Alex answered honestly. Matt yelled an agreement of some sort and they set off for the party.

"How cool is this?" Matt wrapped an arm around Alex and jumped. Alex laughed awkwardly. "Loosen up, Al. No bird is gonna chat to you if you look terrified the whole time." He advised.

"I just don't know these people. That's all." He shrugged.

Matt hoped that something would bring Alex out of his shell this year. He had never truly shown his fun side to anyone other than Matt. Matt had only seen it that one time they found his mums bottle of rosé in the garage fridge and decided to share. That was one of Matt's favourite nights of his life. He had never seen Alex speak so loudly and dance so wildly. He hoped he got like that tonight.

They didn't even need to try and figure out what house it was. It was clear by the noise and lights that it was the one on the end. Seemingly, the only detached house in High Green.

"Ready lad?" He asked, Alex nodded but didn't take his eyes away from the house.

They entered to a couple getting off right by the door. Matt laughed slightly, Alex's eyes widened. They rushed to the kitchen to see what drinks they could snag.

"Ah! I see vodka and shot glasses." Matt yelled, pouring some for them both. "Get that down ya." He passed both glasses to Alex. Alex didn't bother arguing with Matt, he was going to have to drink them one way or another.

"That was fucking disgusting." He wiped his mouth and passed the glasses back to Matt.

"Matt!" Someone yelled. A lanky boy with short blonde hair made his way over to them. Alex stared at the boy in confusion.

"Hey! Sam, this is my best mate Alex. Alex, this is Sam from my Spanish class." Matt tapped him on the peck as Sam put his arm around him. He was clearly already completely shit faced.

"Nice to meet you, mate." Alex said, pouring himself another shot. Matt yelled in encouragement. Alex just figured he wasn't going to get through this smoothly sober.

"How long you been here?" Matt asked Sam. He shrugged.

"Not sure. Liquid dementia mate." Same replied, letting out a loud cackle at his joke. Matt laughed awkwardly but Alex just stared at him.

"I'm gonna go look for some beers." Alex excused himself.

He didn't mind being alone at these kind of things. The shots calmed his anxiety slightly, allowing him to ignore people's wandering eyes.

The beers were clearly not upstairs but he went up there anyway, looking at the pictures on the walls of Brian and his family. He chuckled to himself.

It wasn't that Alex was shy or afraid of social interaction, he just felt comfortable around very few people. He wouldn't allow just anyone to see his true personality. He was reserved. Yes it has its fallbacks, he got turned down from the job him and Matt had both applied to because he was too quiet.

He walked along the halls, running his hands along the walls nonchalantly. He saw a door that had a women's and men's sign on the front and assumed that was the bathroom. Without hesitation he opened the door but what he saw behind it was Luna standing in front of the mirror.

"Oh! Oh my..." he stumbled but he still hadn't closed the door. Luna looked at him and laughed.

"Alexander! Didn't expect to see you here! Come in!" She burst, clearly drunk. Alex didn't know what to do but then he was in the bathroom with her and the door was shut. "You having fun?" She asked, applying mascara.

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