69. friday, august 2016

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They had arrived in New York the night transitioning into Luna's birthday. Alex has texted her happy birthday and has every intention of calling her once it was an appropriate time in England to do so. He had ordered flowers to her house and was planning on getting her an actual present when he got back.

He got ready as usual, reminding everyone it was Luna's birthday and to text her. Miles smirked and did as he was told while they got ready for the show.

"Ready, Al?" Miles nudged him. He nodded and they made their way on the stage.

Their in ears were placed and the band went on stage first, the crowd went wild as it meant that Alex and Miles were coming on.

"Hello New York!" Alex yelled as they walked on stage. The room erupted. "You're all so sexy." He slurred.

They played a few songs, Alex was enjoying himself so much. He was flailing, throwing his body around to the rhythm and singing as hard as he could.

At the end of Sweet Dreams, the strings were playing and Alex felt like he was in the air. It was his favourite part of the show, singing for Luna wherever she may be. He stared out into the crowd as the song climaxed behind him, his eyes ran along it and landed on someone he recognised.

It was Luna, she was stood in the crowd. Was he imagining it? He squinted his eyes, making sure it was actually her. He looked back at Miles, who was grinning at him.

"Luna!" He yelled to him without the microphone. Miles grinned and nodded, pointing to the crowd to indicate she was there. Alex's heart burst with excitement. He looked out into the crowd, where she was grinning and waved at her, she waved back so he winked.

They had a few more songs to go before the end. Alex didn't take his eyes off her, he sang every song to her no matter what they were about.

"Oi, can we do The Bourne Identity?" He asked Miles, "it's Luna's favourite." He added. Miles yelled to the band that that's what they were doing and they all gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, we have two more for you. This one is dedicated to my lunatic, it's her birthday today" he said quickly, winking into the crowd.

As the song started, Luna's heart warmed at the sound of the song. He stared straight at her and sang the lyrics with a smile on his face. He never thought he'd be able to do that.

They ended with Les Cactus and let the petals fall from the ceiling. Alex looked out to the crowd but Luna wasn't there anymore. His face dropped, had she actually been there? He looked around and Miles was already making his way off the stage.

Alex practically sprinted off stage, he couldn't believe Luna was there. He ran around backstage looking for her, he didn't know where she would go to get to him but he had to find her. He ran past the dressing room and saw a wave of blonde hair, he halted so fast he almost fell over and skidded back to the door.

"Lu!" He gasped, she turned around and grinned at him.

"Where did you go?" Miles asked as Alex walked towards her.

"I was looking for Luna." He replied quickly, not taking his eyes off her as he reached her. His hands grabbed her face and he planted the biggest kiss on her lips. She tried not to smile too widely into the kiss, she just wrapped her arms around him and enjoyed it.

"Jeez get a room." Miles threw a nut at the couple as they kissed. Alex pulled away and wrapped on arm around her to keep her close.

"Christ I missed you." He breathed, grinning down at her. Her eyes travelled along his body.

"You look good." She gripped his toned arm. He was wearing a wife beater top that showed off his big arms he now had. "Been going gym yeah?" She smirked. He just laughed in response.

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