68. thursday, july 2016

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When Miles and Alex went on tour, it hit Alex hard that Luna wasn't going to be there at every given moment. He had that realisation when he called her before a show in Amsterdam and she didn't answer. He stared down at his phone when it went to voicemail, wondering what she was doing and whether she was ok or missing him the way he was missing her.

"What did Lu say?" Miles asked as he walked through the dressing room door. "She being as pouty as you are?" He teased.

The rest of their band walked through the door and started making drinks and conversation. Miles sat next to Alex while he stared down at his phone, trying to figure out a way to see if she was online.

"She didn't answer." He muttered. "I'm just going to text her to call me back." Miles put his arm around his shoulder and squeezed him close.

"Don't fret, she's probably just not looking at her phone. She's almost as bad as you with technology." He assured him. Alex chuckled, the clutch in his chest loosening slightly.

Alex tapped his phone as they all engaged in conversation, debating whether or not to call her back. He didn't want to be annoying but he was her boyfriend and in a different country so he did worry.

The room started to fill up with friends and crew. Alex loved the atmosphere of backstage, it was like a small party of everyone he adored.

"Alex!" Someone said from the doorway. He looked up from the phone to see his manager in the doorway.

"Yeah?" He leant his head back on the sofa so he could see him.

"I've got someone here to meet you, do you mind?" He wondered. Alex squinted his eyes, he never had someone to meet him. It was slightly odd.

"Sure, bring them in" He assumed it would just be a fan or a family friend that was a fan. What he didn't expect was a beautiful young lady to walk in after him.

"Alex, this is Alexandra. She's a singer just signed and is writing a new album." He introduced. Alex stood up to get a better look.

Alexandra was a short girl with beautiful dark blonde hair. She held herself like a petite porcelain doll, her eyes wide and excited. Her style was unique to say the least, he looked her up and down and decided she had an aura he liked.

"Alex." He held out his hand, she took it.

"Nice to meet you." She had an American accent that shocked Alex. He assumed she was british, she looked like she would fit in so well in London.

"So you're writing an album?" He proceeded to small talk, although he was rather intrigued by her.

"Hopefully. It's been in the works for a long time but I can't seem to get anywhere." She explained. Alex looked to his manager, knowing where this was going.

"The label was wondering whether you could help out a bit." He said awkwardly. Alexandra watched Alex intently.

"Help with the album?" He assumed. His manager nodded and Alexandra smiled sweetly. "Well I'd have to size you up first, see if you're any good." He smirked at her.

"Why'd you think I'm here?" She retaliated. Alex liked her already, she had balls.

"Drink?" He offered, turning away from the pair and walking towards the bar they had set up. Alexandra followed him, nodding at his manager as if to say she had it from here. "So, what's your music like?" He asked.

"Soft." She answered. Alex raised an eyebrow as he started making margaritas.

"I'm not really known for my softness." He commented, considering he was in one of the biggest rock bands in the world.

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