44. saturday, june 2014

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Luna and Alex sat in complete and utter torturous silence. Alex didn't know what to say, after all he hadn't showed up at her doorstep. Luna sat there, just looking around as if she was waiting for something that wasn't going to come.

Alex stood up, knowing her eyes were on him and walked to the side of the room to pick up a guitar. Luna wanted to leave, she was regretting turning up with nothing to say.

She watched as he sat on the sofa again and leant his head back to face the ceiling. How was she going to excuse herself? She couldn't just run away. She was the one who had come here. Alex didn't want to start the conversation so he started to strum the guitar.

"I wish you would have smiled in the bakery
Or sat on a tatty settee" he sang quietly. Luna looked up at him

"At a mutual friend's gathering
And the more you keep on looking, the more it's hard to take
Love, we're in stalemate"

Luna couldn't look away now, she couldn't quite believe what was happening.

"To never meet it surely where we're bound
There's one in every town
Just there to grind you down"

He pulled his head up from the sofa, briefly meeting hers before looking down at the guitar.

"I wish I would have seen you in the post office
Well, maybe I did and I missed it
Too busy with the mind on clever lines"

"Why not the rounders pitch or the canteen?
You're slacking, love, where have you been?"

"Just had to go and wait until tonight"

He started to mess around, playing a somewhat solo. Luna took in a deep breath.

"I wish I would have seen you down in the arcade
Sipping on a lemonade
In the paper cup and chewing on the straw
And I wish I'd seen you in the bakery
But if I'd seen you in the bakery"

He took in a deep breath and looked her in the eyes.

"You probably wouldn't have seen me"

He sighed, strumming the guitar a few more times as Luna tried not to cry.

"This was a mistake." She croaked, standing up. The strumming stopped immediately and he stood up with her as if he were going to stop her. She stopped for a brief moment, waiting for him to say something but he didn't. "Sorry." She mumbled, walking towards the door.

Alex didn't stop her. He wanted to but didn't know what he would say when he got there, probably the same reason why she came over.

He stood in the living room, holding the guitar and having a quiet argument with himself before putting the guitar on the sofa and running out of the door.

"Luna!" He yelled, seeing her walking quickly down the street. She turned around, looking frightened. "Wait, I'm sorry." He sighed as he reached her.

Luna took in the image of the man in front of her. His hair had no product in it but looked wet as if he had just got out of the shower. It drooped in front of his eyes so he had to push it out of the way. It seemed to be the only thing that reminded her of the Alex she used to know.

"For what?" She wondered. Alex was shocked, his arrogance meant he had assumed she would just forgive him.

"For last night, of course." He spoke as if it were obvious but all he got back was a disappointed face.

"Is that all you're sorry for, Alexander?" She pushed, clearly wanting an explanation for the last two years. He bit his lip and looked away from her. Why was it so difficult? "Forget it." She muttered, turning away.

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