79. friday night, november 2016

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Luna arrived late to the intimate concert Alex and Alexandra were having. She felt terrible for not being there earlier but she promised herself and him, through the many apologetic texts she had sent, that she would make it up to him.

The interview had ran long and Luna did not have enough words to describe how it felt to feel her heart plummet when she realised she was late.

Alex prolonged the concert, something in him hoped he would see her blue eyes staring back at him but they never did. After a while, he embarrassingly gave them the go ahead and they got on stage.

"She'll be here." Alexandra comforted him. He nodded but he was mortified that his girlfriend had stood him up. His heart ached as he put the guitar over his body and got into position. Alexandra winked at him before holding the microphone in front of her face.

As she entered the club, she could hear a solo guitar a low hum of a voice. They had already started. She pushed the curtains of the doorway aside and stepped in, looking around for a familiar face.

Alex was so into his guitar playing, he didn't notice when she entered. He was trying so hard to compliment Alexandra's voice with his playing, swaying his hips along with the melody.

Luna watched him with nothing but love in her eyes, she sat at an empty table at the back and watched from afar. She loved how much Alex got into his music, it was one thing she would never get tired of.

One thing she could get tired of, was the way Alex looked at Alexandra. Every time he looked up, he looked at her. Of course, he didn't know Luna was in the crowd yet so who else would he look at but it wasn't the fact that he wasn't looking at her; it was the fact that he was looking at Alexandra as if she was the most spectacular being he had ever seen. It killed Luna.

She had never felt this way before. Waves of insane jealousy ripples through her. Her jaw clenched as the impending doom settled into her heart. It hurt so much to watch him look at her like that but yet she couldn't take her eyes off it. It was like a car crash but the accident was her relationship.

Alexandra had never been a threat before, she had been that young beautiful girl that Alex worked with. Now, she sparked something in Luna that she really did not like. It made her itch with anger and her chest tighten.

Finally, his eyes met hers. She gave him a supportive smile but got nothing back. He was angry and hurt that she was late and she knew that which is why when he ripped their eye contact away so he could look at Alexandra again, it hurt even more.

It was like a knife was constantly stabbing her, over and over again, knocking the wind out of her at every blink. She looked around, seeing if anyone else was seeing this monstrosity but everyone was grinning at the pair as if they looked beautiful together. From across the room she saw Miles, his arm slung around a tall blonde. The blonde kept whispering in his ear and he was grinning up at Alex his lovable smile.

Luna had never felt so alone. Alex avoided her eyes throughout the whole concert. It got worse when he started to do small dance moves, making the crowd chuckle. The sudden laughs made her jump and brought tears to her eyes.

It was the last song, Alex had calmed down a bit now. He didn't feel as mad towards Luna as he had at the beginning of the concert. He strummed his guitar once and nodded towards Alexandra.

"Hopelessly showbiz
So she is
She's got friends you haven't met
They smoke menthol cigarettes
Bogus psychosis
She floats on in
And she ain't never anywhere
So you're lucky that she's here"

Alex looked up finally at Luna but noticed she was wiping a tear from her eye. His face dropped, it wasn't a happy tear and he knew that from her demeanour. He wanted nothing more than to run over there and comfort her but had to finish this song.

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