12. saturday night, november 2003

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Alex went home and got changed before walking over to Luna's house for dinner. His mum had told him to wear a shirt and gave him a bouquet of flowers in condolences. All it did was make Alex nervous.

He walked over, gripping the flowers as a sort of stress ball. He must've looked like a right weirdo to anyone who looked out their window that day.

Luna's mum opened the door, she looked like Luna but her face looked more worn out as if too much emotion had stretched it out to wide. She gave Alex a small smile as she saw the flowers.

"You must be Alex, our saviour." She smiled. He smiled back.

"I got these for you. I'm sorry about your husband." He said politely as she moved out of the way to let him in. She gasped with the little energy she seemed to have.

"Oh you didn't have to. You being here tonight is already doing so much." Alex was slightly scared to meet Luna's grandparents, the way they all feared them was not a good sign.

"It's nothing really." He smiled, following her into the kitchen/dining room. Her house was laid out exactly like his but with more colour.

"Hey, Alex." Harry smiled from the kitchen, he was keeping an eye on the veg for his mum. She patted his arm and he walked away from it.

"Hey, Harry. Y'alright?" He asked. Harry shrugged before taking his hand and pulling him in for a hug. "Could be better."

"Yeah." Alex agreed.

"You work down at cornerstone with Luna now?" He asked, Alex nodded. Harry smiled. "I like it down there, it's a cool place." He gave his seal of approval.

"Harry, Have you offered Alex a drink?" His mum scolded. Alex smiled, she seemed comfortable when telling him off. Harry clapped his hands together and pointed at Alex.

"Beer?" He suggested. Alex looked at his mum, who was back to cooking.

"Only if you're having one." He replied. Harry nodded and walked over to the fridge to retrieve the drinks.

Alex's eyes raised to the ceiling as he heard a serious of thumps that sounded like footsteps before Luna appeared from behind the door.

"Alex." She grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. He hugged her back as Harry walked over with their beers. Alex looked at the table set for seven.

Alex took a seat next to Harry while Luna sat on the other side of him. Luna looked out at the window nervously, her knee was shaking under the table. Then the doorbell went off.

"Shit!" Their mum yelled. "Ava! They're here!" She yelled. There were thuds from upstairs, down the stairs and then yells of pleasure from the door.

"Ava's their favourite" Luna muttered into Alex's shoulder. He took a swig of beer and prepared himself.

"Ava, darling you look beautiful." A posh voice called out. Alex snapped his head to Luna.

"They're southerners?" He asked, Luna let out a quiet laugh. The voices carried through the hallway and eventually ended up in the same room as them. An older couple walked in. The woman had her grey hair tightly put up in a bun and a fitted dress on. She looked fancy. The man looked as if he were about to fall over but somehow like he was in control.

"Oh Julia, you're cooking?" The woman asked rather disappointedly. Alex was terrified, watching this elderly couple make comments before they had even said hello.

"Who else will, Pam?" Their mum asked, shutting the oven once the food had been taken out.

"Smells great mum!" Luna yelled over. The couple turned their heads and laid eyes on the three figures sat facing them at the table.

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