92. friday, march 2017

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Alex stood at the bar with a drink in his hand. He had done the rounds, saying hello to everyone before politely stepping back and letting Alexandra have her night. Quickly, he had made friends with the bar tender, finding out they had many things in common such as their love for martial arts and Alex's music.

Warily, he drank his second drink. He didn't want to get too drunk as he knew they would want him to perform with Alexandra at some point and give a speech, he hoped they did that soon so he could continue to drink.

A few familiar faces made their way over to him, congratulating him on the engagement and asking after Luna. He prayed that she somehow flew over there and turned up but knew that was next to impossible.

Alexandra looked beautiful, he could see her from across the room in a floaty dress. She was in her element, talking to people and accepting congratulations from everyone. He was so happy for her, it was refreshing to see someone new go through the industry as he couldn't even remember where his first album release party was; probably Sheffield.

"Alex Turner!" A voice beamed. Alex spun around to see the familiar face of Taylor Badgley. "Alone as well. I hate to see it." She smiled widely at him, clearly devastated that he was alone. Alex chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah my fiancé is back in London, unfortunately." He corrected her. Taylor was the last person he wanted to see and wondered how she had graced herself in the room.

"Fiancé? Last thing I heard you two had called it quits." She pried into his life as if she had a right to. Alex looked around but it appeared she was alone.

"We had a small break but we're engaged now." He confirmed. She didn't seem at all phased by what he had just said, if anything her desperation and persistence intensified.

"So why isn't she supporting you here tonight? Isn't this a huge thing for you?" She attempted to knock him down but Alex just stared at her with a dull expression.

"As I said, she's back in London. She's opening up a new bakery there so she couldn't make it." He explained. Taylor let out a laugh so Alex leant against the bar and searched for his bartender friend to ask for help.

"I forgot, that's right, she's a baker. How quaint? Isn't it funny how you've gone from model to model and now you've settled for a baker." Alex wasn't about to stand around and let this woman insult his fiancé. He called over his bartender friend with his hand and pushed himself from the bar.

"Clearly models weren't sufficient." He said with a smile. "Get her whatever she wants to drink." He nodded to the bartender, who fully understood. Alex stood very close to Taylor and said "Now, leave me alone." In her ear as clearly as he could. He waved to the bartender and weaved his way over to Alexandra across the room.

"Al!" She beamed, clearly a few drinks in, as he approached her. "Are you having a good night?"

"Not too shabby. You look lovely tonight." He felt the need to compliment her as he couldn't believe the pride that was bursting in him over this album.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." She responded naturally. "I bet you wish Luna were here." She added. Alex sighed, putting his arm around her.

"Yeah I do." He confessed. "Oh well, I'll see her soon enough. It's our two year anniversary on Sunday." He beamed. Alexandra smiled.

"Are you going to be able to make it back?" She wondered. Alex smirked.

"I told her no because originally I'm meant to go back on Tuesday but I think im gonna fly out early and surprise her." He told her. Alexandra shook her head with a wide grin on her face.

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