29. thursday, october 2011

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Luna entered her bakery bright and early on a bright Saturday morning. She put all of her things in the staff room and then started opening up the shop; taking the chairs off the tables and turning the sign around to say open.

Carla entered five minutes before her shift time as always. She was always so perky in the mornings, Luna couldn't stand it. She handed her a mug of coffee and they started taking out the cakes and placing them in the display cabinets.

"Oh Luna, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while." Carla leant up against the counter as they waited for customers.

"Oh yeah?" Luna sipped her coffee and waited.

"There's been this man coming in recently. Well, I say coming in he's kind of been walking past up and down for a while and it seems that if he sees that you're in he won't come in and if you're not in he'll come in and order a coffee and devour the entire coffee cake." She rambled. Luna didn't quite understand what she was saying.

"So...I have a hater?" She laughed, not quite understanding.

"I don't know. I just thought it was odd." Carla shrugged, gulping her coffee.

"Well if he comes in again, ask what his name is as if we're Starbucks. Maybe I know him." Luna shrugged.

"Why would he come in when you're not there then?" She wondered. "It's just odd."

"Maybe he's an ex." Luna spoke nonchalantly but deep down she hoped it wasn't an ex. That would be a shit show.

"He looked so familiar as well. Maybe he is an ex..." Carla said into the air. She couldn't quite put her finger on where she knew this guy from.

"Well, get his name and then call me next time he comes in. You've intrigued me now." Luna raised her eyebrows, smiling.

So that's what Carla did. Just like clockwork, the mysterious man walked past for a few minutes and then entered once Luna hadn't made an appearance.

"A coffee please." His low raspy voice asked. Carla smiled at him like she usually did.

"Can I take a name?" She asked, pulling out her pad. He looked at her and squinted his eyes in suspicion.

"For what?" He wondered. She squirmed under his gaze, it bore down on her like a ton of bricks.

"The coffee." She replied timidly. He ran his tongue along his lip and looked at the photos on the wall. She watched his gaze and knew that it wasn't a coincidence, he knew Luna.

"Alexander." He replied. Carla flashed him a smile. He watched her write Alex on the piece of paper and let out a sigh. She made his coffee and placed it on the table,

"Here you go, Alex." She smiled. "No coffee cake today?" She wondered.

"No thanks, love. It's starting to show." He winked, taking the coffee off the counter top and walking over to his usual table.

Carla went to the storage room and dialled Luna's number as quickly as she could.

"Is he there?" Luna asked instantly.

"Sure is. Just ordered a coffee but no cake which means we don't have much time." She peered around the corner to make sure he was still there.

"Did you get his name?" She wondered. Carla caught his eye suddenly and darted back into the storage room.

"It's Alex. Well, he said Alexander but I bet no one calls him that" she said casually. Luna was silent. "Lu? You still there?" She asked.

"I'm on my way." She said and the line went dead.

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