71. friday, september 2016

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It was still surreal to Luna how she now had a routine in their house in London. She had flown back reluctantly after receiving a call that there was an availability to see a possible bakery in Notting Hill. Her and her mum had gone to see it and with Alex living in Kensington, it seemed like a possibility.

Her mum had been down from Sheffield for a few days in order to help her out searching for a new bakery to buy. She had been considering moving down to London since Luna and Harry were now both living there.

Luna tried to keep herself busy while she was without Alex. She met up with the few people she knew in London and her and her mum went out a lot while she was there. She'd always long for his phone calls however.

Jen was about to move to London but decided to stay with Luna for a few days to see what the life was like. Of course, that meant going on a night out. It was exactly what Luna needed.

"So, where is he now?" Jen asked as they got in their taxi.

"America somewhere. I think Dallas right now." Alex always told her when he was in a new state and where exactly he was just in case but she could never remember where they were in terms of geography.

"Oh. When's he next back?" She asked curiously. Luna sighed.

"November. I think I'm flying out to LA though for halloween." She told her. Jen raised her eyebrows.

"That's exciting. Have you ever been to LA?" She asked. Luna shook her head.

"Alex says bad things about it though. I think he loves it but it doesn't have the best effect on him or something." She shrugged.

"I guess it's one of those places that artists just have to be sometimes." Jen agreed. They nodded. "Well, lets get wasted!" She burst.

They got into the bar relatively quickly and stood behind the masses of people at the bar trying to get pissed. Eventually they pushed their way through and caught the attention of the bartender to get some drinks. They ordered two pornstar martini's and some shots.

Jen squealed as they found a place to sit. The place was buzzing and it echoed in their moods.

"Drink up, girlie." She encouraged. They downed a few shots and sipped their drinks.

"So, your bakery? Is it going? Update me." Jen demanded, dying to catch up with her best mate.

"I've found a place in Notting Hill, not too far from where i live so hopefully I can put down a deposit and get things moving before Christmas and open up around January." She explained.

"That's amazing! You're going to build your empire!" She beamed. Luna chuckled, shaking her head.

"Having to work around Alex though. I guess it's easier when he's on tour since he's not such a distraction." She chuckled. "What about you?"

"I got a job as a pastry chef for a food magazine in Canary Wharf. I'm basically going to be making food and writing about it and uploading recipes." She explained.

"Wow, Jen. That sounds amazing." She beamed. Jen was grinning wildly, neither of them could tell whether it was the drink or genuine excitement.

"I'm really excited and it means I'm closer to you and Al." She grinned.

"Any new men on the horizon for potential double dates?" She wondered. Jen folded her lips to looked up to ceiling in thought.

"Not in London. I don't really know anyone here. I'm going to have to download tinder or something." She concluded.  Luna giggled and sipped her drink.

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