27. wednesday, july 2008

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The first time Alex had seen Luna since the night she left was in 2008 when he arrived home in Sheffield to introduce his parents to his girlfriend, Alexa. It had been about two years since he had last thought of Luna.

Before they went over to his childhood home, they decided to walk around the town so Alex could show her everything about his childhood.

"That's where I'd get served." He pointed to a corner shop. Alexa laughed her raspy laugh and wrapped her hands around his arm while they walked. There was no doubt that these two were in love.

"Oh, Al look! There's a bakery! Can we get something to eat?" Alexa asked. Alex looked at his watch and decided that they had time.

"Yeah why not?" He grinned at her as they crossed the road. "This must be knew, I've never been here before." He told her as they walked to the front door.

The bakery was called 'Crazy Baked' with 'Baked by a Lunatic' in small writing below. It had sofas along the sides and tables and chairs nearer where the food was. There was an older couple sharing a slice of cake on one of the tables and a couple of teenage girls on a sofa.

"It smells amazing." Alexa beamed, leading Alex to the front where the food was.

There was every sort of cake you could of possibly wanted, large pies, savoury foods, cupcakes, cookies and more. Alexa marvelled at the food.

"Whoever made these is a culinary genius" she gasped at the 'special occasion' cakes. Alex laughed.

"All cakes are made by the owner." A voice perked up. They both looked up to see a young girl standing behind the counter. She pointed to a cork board located on the wall by the counter that held pictures of lots of people.

"Wow. She is very talented." Alexa was still looking but Alex squinted at the photos, not feeling right in the stomach. He left Alexa by the food display and looked at the cork board.

"Which one's the owner?" He asked the girl that was watching him very closely. The girl pointed at the girl that seemed to be in every photo and Alex's heart dropped.

There she was, looking as gorgeous as ever. She had the same platinum hair in all the photos and the brightest smile plastered on her face. He couldn't quite believe that she had done it, she had opened up her own bakery.

"What's her name?" He asked. Alexa had noticed that he was intrigued by this woman and walked over.

"Luna Temple." The girl confirmed. Alex let a vast amount of air out of his nostrils and had to breathe in deeply. He had forgotten how to breathe for a minute.

"She's beautiful." Alexa complimented but it felt wrong for Alex. Beautiful wasn't the right word for Luna to him. She deserved so much more: jaw dropping, car stopping, world altering, out of this world.

"Baked by a lunatic." He mumbled, remembering what she had said to him on the first day of school.

"Babe, you alright?" Alexa asked, noticing he had gone slightly pale. He broke his gaze from Luna and looked at the girl in front of him. Alexa was beautiful to him but she was very different from Luna.

"Yeah, just need a coffee." He replied, pushing his hair out of his eyes in old habit and ordering one.

"Any food?" The girl asked. Alex looked at all the food. All of it had been made by Luna. His Luna, the one who introduced him to the strokes, the girl he fell for, she was here.

"I'll get a red velvet cupcake please." Alexa replied. "Al?" She asked.

"Coffee cake please." He replied. The woman behind the counter got their order ready and they paid. Alexa found them a sofa and they sat extremely close to one another as they drank their coffee.

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