80. tuesday, december 2016

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Alex woke up in his bed. He sat up quickly, hoping it was all just a nightmare. His eyes darted around the room for some sort of answers. The last thing he could remember was his argument with Luna and then it went kind of blurry.

He was still fully clothed, laid on top of the covers with no shoes on. Someone must have brought him home. His head was pounding, he clearly didn't take the argument well.

The other side of his bed looked untouched, that made his heart cry out in pain. She was gone, where did she go? How did all go wrong so quickly, they were only in this room the day before watching each other get ready and saying how much they loved each other. The thought brought tears to his eyes.

Stepping into the shower, he felt betrayed. He didn't know who was in the wrong, it all seemed to surface so quickly. How long had she felt like that? Had she been feigning happiness this whole time?

He knew that maybe he got too close to Alexandra, didn't realise the way it may have looked to Luna. It made sense how she had reacted, that is why she was angry and upset. He was upset because she was late because of her interview, that did make him disappointed but she apologised and said she understood that she fucked up.

How did it all go wrong so quickly?

With a towel wrapped around his waist, he walked downstairs to what he assumed was an empty house. Instead, he found a tall blonde stood in his kitchen, his heart dropped.

"Who are you?" He asked without thinking. She turned around and raised her eyebrows in offense.

"Good morning to you too, Alex." She responded rather harshly.

Alex was panicking, he wouldn't have slept with someone else would he? He would never dream of it, but he wasn't in the right state of mind last night and he was angry with Luna.

"Why are you in my house?" He asked, hoping to just push away the problem that was arising. His heart was breaking, thinking he was going to have to tell Luna. He hadn't felt this much pain in a long time. It was too much to handle.

"Me and Miles dropped you off last night and stayed over to make sure you woke up this morning. He's just gone to get food." She explained. Alex's body relaxed so much his towel almost fell off.

"I'm going to get dressed." Was all he said as he turned around and walked back upstairs.

"I'll make you a coffee." She replied. Alex winced at the sound of her voice. She was the surprise he really didn't need in the morning.

He heard the door slam downstairs as he put on his joggers and t shirt. Out of curiosity, he looked in Luna's wardrobe but it was empty. His heart dropped and smashed into the pit of his stomach.

"Fuck." He yelled, slamming the doors but they just bounced off middle and swung back at him, reminding him of what he's lost.

He stormed downstairs, knowing Miles was there now. How could she leave him like this? They hadn't even talked it out, just yelled at each other. How are they meant to sort it out if they're not in the same vicinity.

"Morning, Al!" Miles beamed. Alex stopped in his tracks, why was he so perky? Hadn't he heard? The love of his life had just left him, why wasn't he reacting?

"Miles." He said in a low voice, ignoring the blonde once again.

"Where's Luna gone? I thought she'd be here when I brought you home last night. Mate, I haven't seen you that fucked since..." he trailed off and looked at the tired Alex. "Wait, did something happen?" Alex looked at the girl and then at the floor, he didn't want to tell her as he barely knew her.

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