77. wednesday, november 2016

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Alex was surprisingly chipper the following morning as they entered the studio. He had brought Luna early, no one else was there yet but it was because he wanted to show her something.

"I've started writing the Monkeys' new album" Alex said excitedly as they entered the studio. She raised her eyebrows.

"Really? But you haven't even finished Alexandra's album" she pointed out. Alex nodded, resting his body against the buttons.

"I know but I sat down at this piano not long ago and it just kind of came out of me. It started when we argued about me writing. I stopped writing that song and this one flowed out of me." He explained. Luna walked towards him and stood directly in front of him.

"Can I hear it?" She asked, cocking her head to one side. He brought his hands to her face and pushed some hair out of the way.

"Why do you think you're here?" He asked. His lips met hers quickly, he knew he couldn't get too carried away as people would be there soon. "Okay okay." He pulled them apart. "Stay here." He said quietly. Luna bit her lip and nodded as she moved backwards, allowing him to walk into the booth.

He sat down at the piano and something was triggered inside Luna. She almost never saw him at a piano, he always used a guitar to write his songs. It was a weird sight to see but once his fingers hit the keys, it looked right.

"Still got pictures of friends on the wall
I suppose we aren't really friends anymore
Maybe I shouldn't ever have called
That thing friendly at all"

He moved his arms along with the piano which made Luna smile even though she was intrigued by the words he was saying.

"Get freaked out from a knock at the door
When I haven't been expecting one
Didn't that used to be part of the fun, once upon a time?
We'll be there at the back of the bar
In a booth like we usually were
Every time there was a rocket launch
Or some big event"

Alex's voice sounded so different. The song sounded nothing like any other Arctic Monkeys album but yet it seemed to fit them perfectly; it fit Alex perfectly.

"What a death I died writing that song
Start to finish, with you looking on
It stays between us, Steinway and his sons
'Cause it's the ultracheese"

"Perhaps it's time that you went for a walk
And dress like a fictional character
From a place they called America
In the golden age"

"Trust the politics to come along
When you were just trying to orbit the sun
When you were just about to be kind to someone
Because you had the chance
I've still got pictures of friends on the wall
I might look as if I'm deep in thought
But the truth is I'm probably not
If I ever was"

He licked his lips and paused. Luna thought it was over but then he started improvising. She swallowed hard.

"Oh, the dawn won't stop weighing a tonne
I've done some things that I shouldn't have done"

He looked into Luna's eyes and smiled.

"But I haven't stopped loving you once. Ooh"

He stopped and practically ran back to her with excitement. Luna was stood in shock when he found her.

"What did you think?" He asked, scooping her up in his arms.

"I loved it. It's so...you." She grinned up at him. "And those lyrics, Alex you've really outdone yourself." She complimented.

"Thanks, babe." He kissed her quickly.

"It's so different. This is for monkeys?" She questioned. He nodded.

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