94. thursday, may 2017

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Luna was stressed beyond belief. Her bakery's grand opening was two days away and she was in complete professional work mode.

Her and Ingrid stood in the space while the people around them worked to get everything they instructed done. Luna was chewing her lip, nails and skin with nerves. She had never done anything like this before and the article written about her had brought so much attention and pressure.

"I think everything is great but I want this to be wider. I need there to be more space so maybe we could move that to over there." She expressed to Ingrid, who nodded seriously.

"We can definitely move it maybe to over there or we can instead of having a large table there have smaller ones to take up less space or we can get a smaller design." She suggested. Luna crossed her arms and nodded.

"If we can get that in the next two days, perfect, if not it's something we can play with in the future." She complied before looking around at the many men still building.
"Archie, tell me good news." She asked the lead man on the job.

"What times your opening?" He asked. Luna's heart clenched.

"Saturday, Eight pm." She answered. He tilted his head side to side as if he were weighing it up and nodded.

"Yeah we should be good but I'll let you know if anything changes." He squeezed her arm reassuringly and she gave him a polite smile.

Alex stood in the doorway and watched Luna, he loved doing that when she didn't know he was there. They were going out with Jen and her new man so he had come to pick her up. She had a stern face on as her and Ingrid discussed which made him smile slightly. He watched as Ingrid walked away to talk to someone about something interior and Luna was left alone to dwell on the situation around her.

His smile faded slightly as he saw the stressed and overwhelmed look on her face. She looked insecure and fragile in front of many people who needed to see her as strong and stable. He pushed himself from the doorway and put his arm around her. She didn't even question it, she just wrapped her arms around his middle and started to breathe heavily.

"Shh." He stroked her hair, leading her out of the way of all the people who were not allowed to see her like this.

"Oh wow, is it six already?" She asked as he pulled her into a dark corridor in the back of the kitchen.

"Just came to make sure it wasn't all getting on top of you." He smirked to try and make her feel better. She wiped a few tears that escaped. "What's wrong?" He asked, his heart aching at the sight of her so stressed. She sat on a stool and leant one arm against a metal table, facing away from everything while Alex stood in front of her.

"I just wanted this to be my bakery and now there's so much pressure for it to be this miraculous amazing thing." She used her hands to flail and express.

"It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, do what you want and if they don't like it sod em, it's not their livelihood. You don't want to create something that's not you" he advised. She looked away with sad eyes and sighed.

"I don't know how you do it." She wondered. Alex bit his lip and nodded.

"Just take it full in the face" He advised. "Can I show you something?" He asked. She squinted her eyes.

"What is it?" She asked but she knew he wasn't going to tell her just yet. He held out his hand and she took it, wiping her eyes once more.

"Come on." He wrapped his arm around her and they walked together out of the bustling bakery. Luna tried not to look as the men around her made a mess in attempt to create her dream.

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