42. saturday, april 2014

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Don't @ me, I know they played 2013

Matt, Nick and Jamie sat with their manager backstage at Glastonbury while Alex went out to try and find Alexa. They had invited her to try and sort out Alex, he would listen to her.

"I think we need to take him back to Sheffield, make him talk to his mum and some old friends. It worked last time." Matt suggested. They all nodded.

"I agree. He's just forgetting who he is, it worked last time." Jamie agreed. Nick bit his lip.

"Yeah but for how long? I think we should go back with him so he doesn't just mope about and come back the same." He replied. They all hummed in agreement.

"Okay, well you have a month until the end of the tour. I think you should wait until then" Their manager advised. "Stick to the plan and then maybe take some time off. Deal?"

"Deal" They said in unison. The door swung open behind them and Alex brought in Alexa.

"Look who's arrived" He grinned the grin he always wore whenever he was around her. Even though they were long since broken up with, Alexa was one of the bands oldest and greatest friends and the only thing Alex had ever been sure about.

They all hugged and kissed her hello and they sat down with her to catch up.

"Hey, Al? We were all thinking of going back to Sheffield for a while when we get off tour in June." Matt suggested, knowing he would be in his best mood when around Alexa. Alex hesitated though.

"You can go to that amazing bakery, Al" Alexa suggested. The boys knew that Alexa would support them in their suggestion to go home as she had been the first one to notice that Alex was getting slightly out of hand. "Maybe see Luna" She teased. Alex froze in his spot and wondered how on earth Alexa knew about her.

"Luna?" Jamie questioned. "As in Luna Temple. Haven't heard that name in years" He laughed. Alex stayed frozen, paralysed at the thought of her.

"She owns a bakery now in Sheffield. We went there years ago" Alexa told them. "You guys should go back" she suggested. Matt watched Alex stare at his hands suspiciously.

"I left something in the bus" He suddenly burst. "Alexa, come with me" He demanded. She jumped slightly but got up nonetheless.

"We'll be quick" She excused them, following him out of the room. "What is up with you?" She asked slightly angrily. Alex stopped around the corner

"Alexa, I have to tell you something but I don't want any judgement from you" He shoved his hands in his jacket pocket and stared at her. Her eyes only held judgement.

"You're about to tell me that you used Luna as a rebound, treating her like shit even though you know that she is the nicest girl ever" She said quickly before punching him in the arm.

"Ow! How did you know that? I didn't tell anyone!" He burst. Alexa leant against the wall and shook her head.

"She told me" She confessed. Alex's brain almost exploded so he moved backwards and ran his hand through his hair.

"She told you! When have you two ever met? What is going on?" He felt lightheaded slightly.

"I ran into her at one of your shows not long ago." She replied. Alex's eyes almost popped out of his socket.

"She came to." He felt like he had been winded. "A show?" He was sure he was going to pass out.

"Yeah. I ran into her just as she was leaving, about a song in. We went for a drink and she told me how you fucked her over." Alexa confronted him as he spiralled in front of her.

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