86. friday, january 2017

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Luna and Alex spent the first few days of the new year enjoying each other's company and catching up on a lot of things they had missed out on. They had planned to spend the weekend of Alex's birthday in Sheffield on the saturday, that way they can tell their families about the engagement.

Alex woke up on friday morning with his limbs sprawled out over the bed and a dead arm. He let out a small groan as he opened his eyes, letting the sunlight hit his eyes. Squeezing his eyes shut, he turned his head against the soft pillow and saw his fiancée.

She was laying on her front, the covers just stopping below her shoulder blades. Her hair was sprawled out across the pillow which made him notice that she was starting to let her roots grow out slightly.

For a moment, he didn't disturb her, he just watched her body slowly rise and fall and thanked whatever higher power there was that he was where he was in that moment. The light hit her body in thin lines and lit her skin in the most pleasing way.

He rolled over and put his arm around her, pulling her backwards so she laid against his front. The morning was when he was at his clingiest. He let out a sigh through his nose and spooned her, ready to have some extra sleep.

"Alex, your head is so heavy." She murmured. He lifted it up and kissed her jaw before moving backwards and laying on his back again. She rolled over and rested her head on his shoulder, kissing it softly before holding onto him.

Alex pulled her closer, running his hands up and down the skin of her naked torso. She let out a small hum and wrapped a leg around his to make them closer. He rubbed his leg against hers and they laid there for away, both aware that they were awake but also knew they were just enjoying each other's company.

His phone was vibrating on the table next to him by the time he opened his eyes again. Alex grabbed it with his nearest hand, not disturbing Luna. It was his mum.

"Y'alright mum?" He answered. Luna stirred below him.

"Hello love. Just calling to see what time you're coming up" she told him. Alex pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at the time, it was nine o'clock.

"If we leave at about twelve, we can be there for the afternoon." He told her, looking down at Luna. "Maybe one." He added.

Luna lifted her head slightly and pulled herself up to Alex's height. His eyes watched her carefully, meeting hers briefly only long enough to see a cheeky smile.

"Ah ok. Can you let me know when you're on your way. We're going to get Julia round so we can all be here." She said but Alex was distracted now because Luna has started to kiss his cheek and neck repeatedly.

"Uh, yeah." He agreed. Her hands started to roam as she left kisses all over him.

"Great. See you soon." She beamed. Alex pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up, tossing it to the end of the bed and bringing his lips to Luna's. She hummed against his lips as he pushed her backwards so her head was against the pillow and he was hovering over her. Her right leg lifted and brushed against his right.

Luna smiled into the kiss, she loved the moments where they would just hold each other and kiss endlessly. His hands didn't wander, they just gripped her as if she was about to slip through his grasp. Alex pulled away for breath but kissed her once more gently.

"I'm going to make breakfast" She announced. He nodded, rolling backwards to lay on his back. His eyes followed her around the room as she pulled herself out of bed and put on one of his t shirts. He never wanted this to change.

"I'll be down in a few" He told her just as she was about to open the door. She turned back to him and took in his image.

His hair was messy and pressed against the headboard, his face was pale but the bottom half was slightly darker from where he hadn't shaved in a while. The thing that stood out most though was the fact that his mouth was ever so slightly open, showing his white shiny teeth. He wasn't smiling at her, he was smirking.

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