89. wednesday, february 2017

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When they got back to London, Luna spent a lot of time with Ingrid in her studio and in the bakery working things out and overseeing construction.

On Wednesday morning the girls were spreading all their ideas and plans out on Ingrid's large wooden meeting table. Luna was practically standing on it and looking at what they had drawn out.

"The whole organisation situation should be done by like March or April. Then we just oversee the construction and we should be able to have a summer opening." Ingrid explained. Luna walked along the table as her eyes swept across the drawings and plans.

"That's so exciting." She beamed. Ingrid grinned up at her then went back to her laptop where she was creating a 3D model.

"Luna Temple, what on earth are you doing?" A deep voice appeared behind her. She looked down to the voice and broke into a grin.

Alex was stood with his hands on his hips grinning up at her. He was wearing a plain white t shirt and black jeans, his everyday uniform at this point, and his sunglasses hung on his head. She had left him that morning, assuming that she wouldn't see him again for a few weeks as he was meant to be flying out to LA. But, here he was standing below her with his beautiful brown eyes.

"I thought you would have left for LA by now." She said, not moving from the table. He went to answer her but the sound of Ingrid's chair scraping along the floor as she stood up stopped him.

"Tea, Alex?" She offered.

"Oh yeah, go on then." He smiled over to her. "You having fun up there?" He asked. Luna held out her hands and he took them to help her down. She wrapped her arms around him immediately and kissed him hello.

"What times your flight?" She wondered, thinking he was alright in the air.

"Not for a while. I'm going straight from here to the airport, I just wanted to say hi." He confessed, she passed him a genuine smile and kissed him again. His eyes wandered to the work on the table. "So, what are you doing?" He asked. She let go of him and put her hand on the table.

"These are mood boards and digital models we have made for what the bakery is going to look like." She explained. "Look, this is the sign. It's getting put up tomorrow." She added. Alex looked over and saw how much work she had put into this.

"Here you go." Ingrid walked back in with a mug in her hand. Alex took it off her happily.

"Thanks, love." He said gratefully. The tea scolded his lips but he ignored it, he was more interested in the models.
"I like that." He pointed to the sign, holding the mug firmly in his hand. His eyes were running across everything on the table, taking in his girlfriends artist vision.

"We still have a lot to do but with you in LA I should have a lot of free time to get it all done and overseen." She explained, feeling like Alex was bearing into her soul. He looked up at her and smirked.

"Not gonna miss me then?" He teased. Ingrid smiled to herself over the exchange as she sat down at the table and continued to sketch.

"Shut up." She laughed. He kissed her cheek and sipped his tea.

"This is really impressive." He complimented both girls. "Promise to keep me updated?" He asked, she nodded.

"Course." She agreed, folding her arms and leaning against the side of the table. He moved some papers around, looking at ones underneath, they all seemed to be sketches of the same thin but with minor details changed. Then he saw something completely different.

"What's this?" He asked, pulling out the piece of paper. Luna squinted her eyes at it but shrugged as she didn't know really what she had drawn, just that it was a doodle.

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