13. friday, november 2003

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When Alex told his mum the night he got from Luna's house that he was going to a concert with Harry on Friday, she wasn't too sure if she should let him go. She didn't know Harry or Miles. After begging, promising that Matt would go too and that it was only in town she consulted his father and they let him go.

"Where are you staying afterwards?" She questioned.

"At Harry's." He answered. She stared at him for a moment before nodding.

"Say hi to Julia and Luna for me when you get there." She told him. "Also text me when you get there" she added.

"Fine." He kissed her on the cheek and ran out the house. Matt was waiting by his gate as he jogged towards him.

"It's fucking freezing." He hissed as he bro hugged Matt.

"Alcohol will make you warm." He nudged him as they walked down the road to the bus stop.

They got the bus down into town, all of them buzzing in excitement. Alex was about to see his first concert, he didn't even know who was playing but he trusted Harry's taste in music.

It was freezing outside, it being almost December and all but Harry advised the lads to not to wrap up too much as they will overheat in the crowd.

They reached the venue and saw many people outside stood smoking. Miles and Harry joined them, the band hadn't started yet. Alex stood awkwardly with Matt as they didn't smoke.

"This will be fun, Al." Matt slapped him on the back. Alex flashed him a grin.

"Absolutely buzzin, mate." He laughed. Matt grinned back as Harry and Miles walked back over to them.

"You're going to love this band. They're up and coming. I know the bassist." Miles flung an arm around Alex, smelling of smoke. Alex smiled at him, excited for the night. "Plus I have an ID so we're gonna get so drunk that the sugarbabes would sound good to us." He laughed. They all burst out laughing and made their way into the venue.

It was a dark and groggy place, full of smoke and sweaty bodies. Miles left the others to go to the bar to get them a drink. Alex looked around, pushing his fringe out of his face as it tickled his eyebrows. It was full of tall men holding beers. 

Miles came back, spilling four drinks everywhere. They each took one and found a spot that they could drink at. The band came on stage and a wave of people pushed forwards to try and get close to them.

Alex's heart was racing, the amount of people scared him but he wasn't going to let on. Matt yelled out at the band started playing small things on their instruments to make sure everyone could hear them.

The front man stood in front of the microphone and stared out at the crowd. Alex gulped his beer and watched the man stand in front of a massive crowd with no fear in his eyes. He could never do that.

"Hello everyone." The man said into the microphone. Everyone cheered. The boys stood and watched, beers in hand. "We're the long blondes, welcome to our show." He dragged his mouth away from the microphone and the guitars started playing.

Alex chugged the rest of his drink and started bobbing his head to the music. He looked over at Harry and Miles who were jumping, shouting at each other and looking like they were having the best time.

Miles caught Alex's eye and pointed at him, it was clear that none of them knew the words but they were trying to sing along to the tune but failing miserably.

"Come on Al!" Miles yelled as the tempo picked up. Matt looked at him and laughed, knowing Alex couldn't dance for shit.

He threw his cup in the air and waddled his way over to Harry and Miles. Matt followed behind, really looking forward this. Alex jumped along to the music, screaming as loud as he could because it didn't matter, no one could hear him. It was refreshing.

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