43. friday/saturday, june 2014

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Alex stumbled into the pub with the guys. They had been on a pub crawl to try and get Alex to feel better and get him to be himself again. They all hoped that having a night out in Sheffield would bring out the old Al.

Matt ordered them a round of shots and they all took one, Alex ordered another and took them all. The boys knew what he was doing but knew if they tried to stop him he would probably hit one of them.

They had only been in Sheffield a total of four hours. Each of them splitting up to see family before coming back together. Alex seemed to only ever come home when he was a wreck nowadays and his mum could tell.

Alex stumbled about, brushing everyone off who asked if he was ok before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. He closed his eyes violently and squeezed them shut before opening them. He jumped as he saw himself in the mirror, he looked like shit.

This seemed to be the way it went, Alex would get out of a relationship horrifically, drink himself dry, have a bunch of one night stands and then come home to repair himself. He knew it wasn't a good cycle but the small bursts of happiness were far more compelling than that long periods of sadness.

He opened the bathroom door to the bar and saw the one person that would make him feel okay. The one person that he craved when he got like this. Of course she was here. He started to walk towards her but then noticed a tall man next to her, he had her arm around her and they were laughing together. Alex had forgotten about the mystery man. He could feel his eyes start to water but was snapped out of it by a hand.

Matt pulled him back to the group, having not noticed her but Alex kept his eyes on her the whole time. She looked the same, of course. She seemed to smile more though now. His eyes followed her as she walked to the bathroom then they darted to the man who had just had his arm around her. Target acquired.

Alex excused himself again and walked over to the man about a foot taller than him. He tapped him on the shoulder, having no fear and watched as he turned around.

"Can I help you?" He asked, noticing how intoxicated Alex was.

Adam thought he recognised Alex but he couldn't put his finger on how. If Alex had approached him sober, not looking like a junkie then maybe he would have recognised him but Alex was unrecognisable even to his closest friends in that moment.

"Stay away from her" Alex spat aggressively. Adam looked confused.

"Who?" He asked, looking around to see if anyone could explain what was going on. Alex prodded him in the chest, Adam raised his eyebrows.

"You fucking know who." He slurred. Adam pushed his hand off him.

"Luna?" He guessed, Alex threw his hands in the air as if he had just witnessed a miracle. Adam suddenly had a feeling that this was the man who had been calling Luna. He squinted his eyes, why did he look so familiar?

"He's a fucking genius ladies and gentleman!" Alex shouted, catching the attention of a few people around them. Adam wasn't a fighter and certainly didn't like attention drawn to him so he stood confidently. "She used to be mine, you know." He hissed. That settled his questions.

"Yeah, I think used to is the key phrase there, buddy." Adam laughed. Alex shoved him as hard as he could but due to the sheer size of Adam, it didn't do much.

"Don't fucking buddy me!" He yelled. The boys caught attention now as had the rest of the pub.

"Fuck me, Alex." Matt grunted as they made their way round. Adam had lost his temper now.

"Look mate, I don't know who the fuck you think you are!" The man yelled. Alex saw red and shoved him again.

"I'm Alex fucking Turner! Who the fuck are you?" As he spoke, Matt caught a hold of him. Alex watched the man's eyes widen at the sound of his name. It was like all the pieces had come together. Alex was the guy on the phone, the old friend that won't stop calling her and the reason she doesn't like Arctic Monkeys.

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