40. friday, january 2014

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Sorry I keep jumping about with time it'll slow down soon

"Happy birthday to you." Everyone sang as Alex sat in front of his cake. He nodded with a smile on his face and blew out all the candles.

Everyone had gathered in London for a celebration. After all, you only turn twenty eight once. They cut the cake for everyone, making sure Alex had a big piece. He grabbed his drink and his slice before making his way over to the balcony and sitting outside.

That lasted all of thirty seconds as Arielle wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him all over as he forked cake into his mouth.

"Babe. I'm trying to eat." He moved his face away. Her breath was hot against his neck as her hands slipped under his leather jacket, feeling along his chest.

"But I wanna give you your present." She licked his neck and he darted away from her.

"Arielle" he shouted, disgusted. "Let me eat." He nudged his shoulder, visibly irritated.

"Come on, Al. It's your birthday. You can drop the hard ass act and just enjoy yourself." She scolded him, he didn't look at her. "fine." She huffed, pushing herself off the chair and back into the party.

He felt slightly guilty as she walked back into the party, it wasn't her fault he was irritated by her presence all the time. It was just because whenever he was around her, he realised he didn't want to be and having to pretend was too much effort.

Alex stared out onto London. He just wanted to eat his cake alone with the London noise around him. It was his favourite thing to do, just sit outside with some food or a fag and listen to the world turning around him.

Little did he know that only a few streets down, Luna was on a date with her boyfriend. Adam had booked a hotel room in London for the weekend as a surprise.

"The ritz? Babe, you shouldn't have." Luna giggled as he led her towards the large building. He held her tightly, having no intention of ever letting her go.

They sat down at their table, Luna looked around with wide eyes. No one had ever brought her to somewhere this expensive. Adam held her hand across the table and ordered them some champagne.

"Why are you being so sweet?" She asked suspiciously. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Because I love you." He grinned. She grinned back and squeezed his hand.

"I love you too." She replied, not doubting it for a single second.

"Do you even love me?" Arielle yelled, standing in front of Alex as he laid back in his deck chair. He had finished his cake now so he was having a smoke.

"what kind of a fucking question is that?" He spat back, slowly blowing out smoke as he spoke.

"You don't seem to want to talk to me anymore. You go out every night and come home at ridiculous hours. If you don't want to be with me just say so, I can take it." She crossed her arms and waited.

"I don't want to be with you, Arielle." He confessed. "It's not you per say, I just don't want to be in a relationship right now. I've been in relationships for my whole twenties, I just want to have some fun." He explained. She didn't move for a moment, she looked heartbroken.

"You're an asshole, Alex." She yelled, throwing a fork at him. He dodged it and looked at her in shock but she was already out of the door.

Alex sighed, standing up and following her. He didn't really know why but he felt like he had to.

"Cheers to my beautiful Luna. Baker extraordinaire!" Adam grinned, holding his glass up for her to cheers. "Your dad would be so proud." He mentioned. Luna couldn't believe how nice he was being to her.

"Baker extraordinaire? Hardly." She scoffed but clinked his glass nonetheless. Brian reached into his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. Luna put her glass down nervously.

"Well, this wasn't part of the plan but this came for you today and I think I know what it is." He smiled, sliding it over to her. Luna stared at it, having a somewhat idea of what it could be.

"I don't want to ruin this evening" she slid it back across the table. Adam laughed, shaking his head.

"Nothing with ruin this evening, Luna. Open it." He was so determined so she did as she was told. Her nimble fingers ripped open the seal and pulled out the piece of paper inside.

"Al, mate. Just enjoy yourself. You can call Arielle tomorrow when you're both sober." Matt yanked Alex back from trying to escape his own birthday party.

"Don't wanna call her. Don't want her." He slurred back, taking the shot from Matt's hand and downing it himself. Matt shook his head slightly but let Alex run around freely in the party for a while.

He took over the music, playing the strokes because what else did he listen to? His black painted shoes jumped up and down on the table as he screamed the words, everyone around him stared up at him with utter adoration. This was his element, everyone adored him.

"Why won't you wear your new trench coat." He screamed into Miles' face as he joined him on the table. They danced and bobbed their heads to the song, playing parts on air guitar.

Alex leapt off the table to get another drink once the song had finished. That's when a pair of hands slipped up his shirt and pushed him against the kitchen counter.

"Hello Alex Turner." A short blonde smirked up at him. He didn't say anything, just smiled excitedly which was enough for her to believe he wanted her.

"I got in." Luna gasped, staring at the paper in her hands. "Adam, I got in." She repeated as if he didn't hear.

"Excuse me, could we get some champagne please?" He asked the waiter, who nodded and did as he was told.

"Congratulations, babe." He grinned. Luna couldn't believe it, she had gotten into her dream culinary school in Paris. She was going to live in Paris for a year.

The champagne came and Adam thanked the waiter as Luna was still staring at the writing saying that she was going to go to live in Paris for a year.

"Cheers." Adam held up his glass. Luna finally paid attention and lifted her glass, clinking it with his and drinking it. That was until she almost choked on something.

"What the? What's this?" She coughed, there was something in her glass.

Alex exited the bedroom with a wide grin on his face and a new girl by his side. This was what he wanted, some meaningless sex once in a while.

The party was still at full swing so he danced his way back into his group of friends. They all commented on his whereabouts but he didn't care.

"I'm going for a smoke." He announced, exiting onto his beloved balcony and sitting himself in his deck chair. The blonde from before found him again but he didn't mind as he knew that unlike Arielle, she didn't expect too much from him.

"I lost you." She giggled, sitting on the floor in front of him as he put his fag in his mouth.

"But you found me." He smirked, putting his hand to her face and pushing some hair out of the way so he could see her face properly.

"Happy birthday." She licked her lips, her hands roaming his thighs as she asserted herself in between his legs. One hand found his zipper while the other caressed his thigh.

"Thanks, love." He blew out smoke while she blew him.

"Will you marry me?" Adam asked, standing up and getting down on one knee. Luna thought she was going to pass out. "I love you so much, Luna Temple, I never want to lose you." He gushed.

She stared at the ring she had just fished out of her champagne. He had done everything right in their relationship, was always nice and respectful, good sex, made her laugh, he was perfect. Luna looked away from him and out the window. She didn't know what to say and there was only one person she wanted to talk to about it; Alex.

"Yes." She answered, figuring she had no real reason not to.

"Amazing." He grinned, kissing her forcefully.

"Amazing." She repeated as she really didn't know how to describe what was happening.

"Amazing." Alex sighed.

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