16. tuesday, december 2003

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Alex practically glided into his English class on Tuesday morning. He sat in his normal chair and waited for Luna to arrive. He avoided eye contact with everyone who came in, not feeling as comfortable as he did when he was around her.

The teacher walked in and started the lesson and she wasn't there. Why wasn't she there? She had been on the bus morning so she should be there. Why wasn't she sat next to him?

He didn't listen the whole lesson, he tapped his finger on the desk and wondered where she could be. He debated whether to text her or not, would that be too clingy? His teacher went on and on about shakespeare and sonnets as he chewed his lip nervously.

"Uh, um..." he heard someone say, he turned around to see someone trying to get his attention.

"Alex." He replied, they shrugged and passed him a handful of books to pass on to someone else. Luna would've told that boy to not be a dickhead, to learn his name if he was going to demand things off him. But he wasn't like her.

He found Jamie after class outside behind the bike shed with a fag in his mouth. He stormed towards him with a purpose but Jamie soon caught on he was coming.

"Y'alright Alex? You look a bit flushed?" He asked, Alex stopped and took in a deep breath, trying to not look affected.

"Where's Luna?" He asked bravely. Jamie raised his eyebrows and tapped his cigarette.

"She had a fight with Brian and left early." He recalled. Alex bit his lip, she could be anywhere. Worry flushed over him.

"Okay." He said calmly.

"Why?" Jamie asked, raising an eyebrow. Alex stumbled on his words for a moment.

"Well, you know what happened last time she didn't come in." He replied, referring to her dad. Jamie nodded as if that was acceptable and allowed him to leave.

He walked away from Jamie and then out the school gates away from everyone else. He didn't look back, just walked. His mum would kill him when she found out but he needed to know if Luna was okay.

He reached her road and stood outside her door. What if her mum was in and didn't know Luna wasn't in school anymore? He debated whether or not to go in until he heard a voice.

"Alexander?" It said, he turned around to see Luna walking down the road with a shopping bag.

"Hey, Lu" He said awkwardly. He didn't actually know what he was going to say, he just didn't want her to run away from him.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" She mumed him. He couldn't help but smirk.

"Well you weren't in English so I came to give you the homework." He lied, she grinned and nodded her head over to her house. He followed her into her front garden and up the steps. He watched her open the door before turning back.

"So, you don't look very sick." He pointed out as she put away her groceries. It was just a load of junk food. She shot him a look.

"And you don't look like a skiver. Guess we're all having an off day." She retorted. He shrugged and wondered whether she would tell him the reason she actually skipped school. "You wanna beer?" She asked, he shrugged so she got him one anyway. "Hey, guess what I found out." She yelled over as Alex sat on her sofa.

"What?" He yelled back but she was soon walking in front of him with two beers.

"Joanna likes you." She wiggled her eyebrows. Alex just laughed awkwardly, not knowing how to respond to that. "Wow don't get too excited, Al." She laughed at his reaction.

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