58. saturday night, april 2015

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Jen sat on the sofa holding a glass of wine as the evening news blared on the television. Luna was making dinner in the kitchen, her pan of food sizzled in front of her. With one hand she stired the vegetables and the other she drank her wine.

"How comes no Alex tonight?" Jen yelled over. Luna sipped her wine casually.

"He's gone on a lads night out." She responded. Jen's head turned over the sofa and her eyebrows raised. "What?" Luna asked.

"So he ditched you for the boys?" She questioned. Luna scoffed.

"What? You practically threw him out for girls night last week. Plus, he comes over every night, Jen. He's allowed a night away." She laughed. Jen thought about it and then nodded.

"It'll probably be nice for you to actually get some sleep tonight." She answered, causing Luna to laugh again.

She dished up the food in two bowls, all she had made was pasta with vegetables, and walked over to the sofa to sit with Jen to eat.

"Why aren't we out on another girls night?" Jen asked. Luna scoffed.

"Because I need some sleep tonight." She reminded her. Jen chuckled and stared at her roommate.

"So I take it the sex is good then?" She made Luna almost choke on her food. Whenever she was in a relationship, Luna didn't have that many girl friends and so no one ever asked about her sex life.

"Jen" she gasped but Jen shrugged.

"Was he better the first time or now?" She wondered. Luna thought about it for a moment.

"The first time was very rushed and hormonal but now it's like we know it's not like we have anywhere else to be so he kind of just takes his time." She explained.

"Ooh, that's what I miss about being in a relationship. If the sex is good then it's constant and constant good sex is all anyone needs in life really." She replied. Luna couldn't help but laugh.

"I feel like even if Alex wasn't good in bed I would still be with him though." She said finally.

"Yeah you say that because you love him but I doubt you would love him if he hadn't fucked you real good that night after we went out." Jen said abruptly. Luna looked away pensively.

"Why can't we just have a conversation about our days over dinner?" She wondered. Jen laughed.

"Where's the fun in that? We go to the same culinary school and we'd just end up bitching about Le Prou" she explained. Luna chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"That son of a bitch."

They found a film that neither of them had heard of and started to watch it absentmindedly. But because Jen is a lightweight, she ended up getting wine drunk during dinner and fell asleep on the sofa as soon as she finished. Luna giggled at her friend, taking both their bowls to the kitchen.

"Jen, go to bed sweetie." She leant down to her and whispered in her ear. Jen groaned, picking herself up and dragging herself into her room.

Luna had never had the apartment to herself at night before. If she did, she would invite Alex over but she couldn't do that tonight. She turned on some calm music and started to flick through some baking blogs she liked.

Every once in a while, she would turn the brightness down once her eyes started hurting. Then, her eyes started to close and she couldn't keep them open so she closed her laptop and laid down on the sofa.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door that woke Luna up from the sofa with a start. She looked at the time to see it was two am. She let out a small groan.

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