64. friday, june 2015

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"Alex!" Luna beamed as she opened the door. "I didn't realise you were coming over." He scooped her up in his arms and kissed her heavily.

"Pack a bag." He mumbled against her lips. She pulled away and looked at him with a confused expression. His arms left her body and shut the door. She looked him up and down, licking her lips at the sight of him. He was wearing blue jeans and a white t shirt with the sleeves pushed up slightly so his muscly arms were on show.

"Why?" She asked. He leant against the door and grinned at her. "Alex." She laughed nervously as he just stared at her.

"I'm taking you away for the weekend." He explained. Luna couldn't help herself, she broke into a wide grin.

"No you're not." She blushed at the way he was smiling at her and looked away. He walked up to her and pressed her against the kitchen counter.

"Pack a bag, Luna. We're going away for the weekend" he smiled down at her. She stared up at him with adoration. He kissed her cheek and then whispered in her ear. "It's going to be just you and me." He added.

"Okay." She grinned, kissing him for what was supposed to be a second but once he kissed back she couldn't stop. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him as close as she could. His tongue slipped into her mouth and his hand up her shirt.

"Jesus Christ." A voice pulled them apart. Their mouths parted but their bodies didn't. Alex buried his head in Luna's shoulder as Jen entered the flat. "I thought you two were going away?" She asked. Alex's head popped back up.

"I was late telling her. She needs to pack her bag still." He said to Jen. Luna looked between the two.

"You know about this?" She questioned. Alex moved away from her, putting his hands either sides of her body against the counter.

"Did you expect Jen to come home and be okay with you not being there?" He asked with a smile. Luna smiled back and held his face her her hand, squeezing it slightly. "Go pack a bag." He said in a low voice. Luna nodded and ran into her room to pack up.

Jen entered the kitchen space and started putting away the food that she had brought home. Alex leaned against the counter and ran a hand through his hair while he waited.

"Don't get her pregnant." Jen said suddenly. Alex's head snapped up. "Right now you're in this happy little bubble where you're all in love and that's lovely but that's all gonna go if you get her pregnant." She said seriously, pointing a finger at him. Alex stared at her.

"I won't." Was all he could think to say. "She's on the pill." He added as if it were necessary.

"Yes well a weekend alone just you two, god knows what will happen." She rubbed her forehead. "She loves you so I love you so have fun and thanks for giving me the flat for the weekend." She tapped his shoulder as she walked past with a Coke can.

"Love you too." He laughed as Luna walked out of her room with a duffel bag.

"I'm gone for five minutes!" She yelled with a grin on her face. Alex walked over and kissed her quickly.

"Platonic, babe." He said between kisses. She turned her face to Jen, who was rolling her eyes.

"Just go!" She yelled. The couple laughed at her and waved as they left.

Luna had never seen Alex drive while they had been together. It was wildly attractive the way he rested one elbow on the window as he gripped the steering wheel, looking as if he could drive with his eyes closed. His other hand either changed gear or rested on her leg, squeezing it as if to make sure she was still there.

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