46. monday, june 2014

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Alex sat in the small cafe on a chair facing another chair that he begged would be filled within the next five minutes. The fluorescent lighting hurt his eyes, he just wanted it to be over.

She sat down in front of him, wearing a burgundy turtleneck and black jeans. Her hair was washed and placed neatly behind her. She looked into his eyes and then sighed.

"Don't look at me like that, Alex, for fucks sake." There was no awkwardness in her voice, just frustration.

"How do you expect me to look at you, Luna?" He replied with the same tone.

"Not like someone's just shot your fucking dog in front of you." She looked away from him, irritated. Alex stared at her.

"You 'shot my fucking dog in front of me' Luna, metaphorically speaking." He pointed out. She glared at him.

"Yeah well the dog fucking deserved it." She hissed, looking away. Alex slouched in his chair and took in a deep breath. Looking around he could see they were getting a few looks. He decided to stop with the metaphors.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was sorry before but I was also an arrogant prick so I didn't have the balls to say it. I get it now, why you hate me and I'm trying desperately to figure out how to become a good person again." He said quickly. Luna met his eyes again.

"I don't hate you. I just hate what you did because it was unlike you and that frustrated me." She explained. He nodded.

"It's no excuse but I was going through some shit, still am really, and you were like...the only good thing in my life or summat and I didn't really know what to do with it so I did what any self-destructing person would do and I destroyed it." Luna bit her lip, understanding.

"Whatever, it was a long time ago." She brushed it off, causing Alex's eyes to almost pop out of his head.

"That's it? Yesterday you were ready to kick me 'ead in just for looking at you wrong." He pointed out, she shrugged.

"Yeah well I'm over it now." She sounded like a stubborn child and she wasn't making any sense. "I don't want any hard feelings." She added. Alex nodded.

"Good." He let out a deep sigh. Luna stared into his eyes and he stared back. She finally looked away and prepared herself to end it. He looked down.

"So, I guess this is goodbye." She breathed. Alex's head snapped up.

"How comes?" He wondered. There was no doubt that there had been some harsh feelings between them but he didn't want to never see her again.

"Did...Matt not tell you?" Her eyes suddenly looked worried. Alex felt his heart tighten.

"Tell me what?" His voice was small, his throat clutched together. He could barely breathe in anticipation.

"I'm leaving Sheffield. I'm moving to Paris." She said as if it were obviously. Alex felt like his world was falling around him.

"What!" He burst a little too loudly. He lowered his voice into a hiss "Can you even speak French?" Luna rolled her eyes.

"I'm doing a culinary course over there for a year and hopefully I'll pick up the language and maybe even open up a bakery there." She explained. Alex didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to get himself out of this one. He felt like he was going to have another panic attack.

"Luna." He cried out in pain. "Please just stop." He begged. Luna stared at him in shock, she didn't know what was happening.

"What?" She asked.

"You're killing me, Luna." He ran his hair through his hair roughly. She reached over the table and grabbed both of his hands so he wouldn't pull out his hair. He stared at the floor.

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