25. saturday, march 2004

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Joanna had once again attached her lips to Alex's. He felt powerless with her but he didn't mind. He was sat in a big arm chair with her legs flung over his lap. He couldn't move so he just kissed her back until she would eventually get fed up.

The boys were all sitting round while the party went on around them. Everyone had been to the fair and bumped into some kids from school who said they were having a party down the road. They'd moved from sitting in a cold field to now sitting in some random boys living room from their school.

They spoke about songs they could cover in their newfound band, they all seem pretty pumped about it. Alex especially was but he wasn't currently participating in that discussion.

"With Alex's songs I reckon we can get the attention of some record labels." Jamie expressed.

"Alex does writes great songs." Matt piped up, feeling proud of his best friend. Alex pushed Joanna off his lips for a second.

"Thanks lads" He laughed. Joanna grabbed the collars of his jacket and yanked him towards her again. The others ignored it.

"Okay so we should get as much rehearsal in as possible before our next show on Saturday." Jamie agreed. "Tomorrow night? My garage?" He suggested. They all agreed and Alex gave them a thumbs up so he didn't have to feel Joanna's wrath.

They all continued to chat and laugh together downstairs while upstairs Luna and Brian were having their biggest fight yet.

"You don't fucking care about me anymore Lu! You'd rather hang out with that stupid kid, Alex and his loser friends" he yelled. Luna was trying to hold herself together.

"Why are you so fucking insecure? So what I have friends? They don't mind you being around and I don't care when you hang out with your dickhead friends" she argued. Brian was losing it.

"We just don't work anymore. You drive me crazy and force me to do things that I shouldn't do." He became mellow all of a sudden which terrified Luna.

"What do you mean force you to do things that you shouldn't do?" She asked. He looked away. "What did you do Brian?" She became slightly louder. "What did you do Brian?" She screamed.

"You gotta understand Lu that we hadn't had sex in months and I have needs." He started. Luna thought she knew what was coming. "You two look so alike, I was so drunk and I thought she was you" that threw her off completely.

"What?" She asked, her eyes watering.

"I fucked your sister, Lu. I'm sorry." He said to the floor. Luna let out a scream of disgust, anger and hurt.

"What the fuck!" She screamed. He reached out to her to try and get her to calm down and she slapped him round the face so hard it hurt her hand. "Stay the fuck away from me you creep. I don't want your hands anywhere near me." She yelled. "Oh my god." Disgust rippled through her.

She marched downstairs where the party was still in full swing. She managed to hold in her tears until she saw Joanna on top of Alex, in a full on kissing sesh.

"Joanna" She yelled, tears streaming down her face by now. Everyone looked at her, horrified. No one, except Alex, had seen her cry. She didn't cry. Joanna broke away from Alex, who looked distraught. "I need to go to yours." She finally said. She couldn't go home now and face her sister.

"My keys are in my bag." She said as if her best friend wasn't having a full mental break down in front of her.

Alex stared at Luna who looked completely broken. He had to comfort her, it wasn't in his nature to ignore her. He stood up and propped Joanna up as Luna ran out of the room.

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