28. saturday, december 2008

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Alex and Miles released their puppets album, they were celebrating at Alex's house in London with all their friends. he had truly never been happier, he had a girlfriend, multiple number one albums and a great group of friends. Everyone either wanted him or wanted to be him.

"Hey babe." Alexa kissed him firmly as she sat on his lap. Beforehand, he had been sitting in an armchair enjoying the atmosphere and talking to whoever spoke to him.

"Y'alright." He placed his hand on her thigh comfortably and allowed her to wrap herself around him.

"Are you having fun?" She asked. He nodded.

"An immense amount." He grinned. She kissed him again and rested her head on his shoulder. The night was kind of winding down, it was getting to the early hours of the morning.

"Hey, Al? Would you do anything differently?" She asked. Alex stared at her as she looked into his eyes. He thought about it hard, not wanting to give a half assed answer. There was one thing he could think of but he didn't want to say it. "It's okay, whatever you're going to say." She assured him.

"Well, there was this girl in school..." he started but it sounded so dumb so he stopped. Alexa raised her eyebrows expectantly and he felt like he had to continue. "I wish I didn't get so invested in her." He finished. Alexa smirked.

"I'm intrigued. Was it Joanna?" She asked. "Or another lucky female?" Alex smiled at her suggestions and pulled her closer to his body.

"Joanna's best friend. I met Joanna through her. She was so...I don't even know how to describe her...out of this world." He met her eyes again to see if the words triggered her but she seemed so invested.

"What happened? Did she not like you?" She asked. Alex shook his head.

"We were mates. It was like..." he paused and looked away to try and think of something. "...like she was just slightly out of reach. If I was with her it would be like I was grabbing at straws. I was so invested in her that I kind of took what I could get even if it fucked up other relationships." He explained. Alexa stared at him briefly before nodding.

"Understandable. So did it not end well?" She asked. Alex looked down at his lap where her legs were and for the first time in a long time he thought about that god awful night.

"Hardly. She moved away, heartbroken. It broke my heart as well" he faced her again and stared into her big brown eyes. "First time I'd felt pain like it."

"You regret your first heartbreak? Surely it made you a better person? That's what they're there for." She pointed out. Alex shook his head sadly.

"I wish Joanna was my first heartbreak. I would've been able to learn from that one. With her...I don't even know. I guess I learnt not to mess with other people's relationships." He shrugged. "Nothing about love though." Alexa raised her eyebrows.

"Damn, Alex. Have you seen her since she left?" She asked. He licked his lips, not sure what to say.

"Only pictures." He chose his words carefully so he wasn't blatantly lying. Alexa stared at him, wrapping a comforting arm around him.

"Was it that girl from the bakery?" She asked. He snapped his head at her words which gave her her answer. She kissed his cheek and then his lips. "Oh, Alex. You're too nice for your own sake." Kissing him again until he finally kissed back.

"Without her I wouldn't have started the band though so I don't regret her." He said as he pulled away. Alexa nodded.

"Well I'm glad she was in your life. Everything happens for a reason, Al." She shrugged. He chewed his bottom lip and closed his eyes.

"What about you? Would you do anything differently?" He asked, his eyes still closed. He didn't need them open to know her answer was no.

"I wouldn't dare, in risk of something changing now. My life's pretty great right now." His eyes opened to see her grinning down at him. Alex mentally took a picture of this moment, knowing it would end but living in it one hundred percent.

"I love you." He sighed. "So so so so much." Pulling her closer, he sent out a message from his mind to wherever Luna was to wish that she was doing okay. He had so much to thank her for.

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