93. sunday, march 2017

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To say Luna was patiently waiting for at least a text from Alex on their two year anniversary would have been a lie. Luna was panicking slightly, considering the fact that Alex may had either forgot or lost track of time. Although the fact that she had texted him good morning and he hadn't replied was also worrying her.

She told Ingrid she wasn't going to work today, she at least wasn't going to work and take the day to herself to celebrate alone. It was sad but she thought she would treat it as a holiday.

At around eleven, decided she was lonely and called Jen for a chat. She poured herself a glass of champagne and collapsed onto the sofa as the phone rang.

"Good morning gorgeous." Jen sang down the phone. "Are you having a good anniversary?" She wondered.

"Just drinking champagne alone, being ignored by my fiancé so the usual." She sighed. There was a pause from Jen.

"That's weird. Alex doesn't usually forget stuff like this, he's the soppiest man I know." She sighed. "Not even any flowers delivered to your door?" She questioned.

"Nope but I'm not annoyed, he's on another continent dealing with Alexandra's album release and whatever else is going on inside his pretty mind. As long as he doesn't forget i exist then there's always next year." She sipped the champagne she had poured.

"Yeah I guess so but you'll probably have your wedding anniversary by then." She pointed out, making Luna almost choke on her drink.

"I mean we haven't even spoken about it yet so I doubt we'll be married within a year." She shut it down. Jen made an annoyed sound.

"Come on, I'm dying to be a bridesmaid. Can we at least go shopping for dresses just for fun?" She wondered. Luna looked at her engagement ring.

"Sure make an appointment and we'll go wherever." She gave in. Jen squealed and while she was doing this the front doorbell went off. Luna put her drink down.

"Okay okay. I'll start looking for shops near us." She said excitedly.

"Jen, I'll call you back. There's someone at the door." She didn't even wait for a reply, she hung up the phone and walked towards the front door.

She opened it to see Alex standing there with a smirk on his face. He had only been away for a month but his facial hair had grown significantly as had his hair. His eyes were covered by aviator sunglasses and in his hands were a large bouquet of roses.

"Happy anniversary" he grinned with his blindingly white teeth. Luna just melted into the floor at the sight of him. His hand extended to give her the flowers but she threw herself at him, almost knocking him off the front steps. He laughed at the gesture.

"I thought you'd forgot." She gripped him, wrapping her legs around him tightly. He took in her smell but noticed it was masked by his own as she was wearing his joggers and t shirt.

"Come on Lu, you know I'm too soppy to forget." He chuckled as he put her down. They stepped back into the house and Alex put his stuff in the hallway. She grabbed his face and kissed him hard as soon as he stood up straight.

"Hmm, I like this." She gestured to his growing beard and moustache. He felt it himself and shrugged.

"Was too wrapped up in my own thoughts the whole time, forgot to shave." He pointed out. Luna squinted her eyes and held his face in her hand. There were dark circles under his eyes. It looked as if he had aged remarkably in a month.

"Have you been sleeping properly?" She wondered. He pushed his face into her hand and smiled sleepily.

"Just didn't sleep on the plane." He explained, she nodded and wrapped her arms around him to kiss him again.

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