31. tuesday, october 2011

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This chapter was inspired by Claire from Bon Apetit's Test Kitchen

When Luna turned up to work on Tuesday morning, Alex was already sat with a cup of coffee on his usual table. Carla was smiling at her as she walked in, he hadn't noticed her yet as he was reading a book.

"Morning, Alexander." She smiled. His head snapped up, revealing that he hadn't gelled his hair that day. It was slightly messy but fell in all the right places. He had his signature black leather jacket hanging on the chair behind him, leaving him in a white t shirt and washed out blue jeans.

"Morning, Luna." He nodded at her. She grinned to herself as she walked past Carla and into the back room where her office was. Placing all her stuff on her desk, all she had planned for the day was e-mails and being out the front.

"We've run out of yum yums, Lu." Carla called back to her. Luna's eyes lit up, that meant she got to bake some more. "I made some dough about twenty minutes ago for you."

"Okay. You stay out front and I will make some more." She called back to her. Then, she had a great idea. Collecting all the ingredients and laying them out, she put on an apron and walked out the front. She walked over to Alex and put her hand on the table to get his attention.

"Hey." He grinned up at her, his eyes ran across her body and took in her image.

"Are you busy?" She asked, not being able to hide her excitement. He smirked in response.

"Depends." He replied. She licked her lips, looking back at Carla who was serving a customer before looking back to him.

"Do you want to help me make yum yum's?" She asked, feeling slightly nervous. Alex pulled an odd face before laughing.

"I have no idea what a yum yum is." He confessed. Luna let out a dramatic gasp which made him laugh again. "But I'm intrigued." He added. Luna smiled widely and nodded.

"Allow me to show you." She held out her hand and waved it to where the door to the back was. He picked up his jacket and followed her through the doors and into the kitchen. "We have people here every other day baking but today's an off day and I guess they sold out yesterday." She explained.

Alex hung up his jacket and stood in front of the baking station. His eyes ran across the surface at all the ingredients she had laid out.

"Where do we begin?" He asked, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

"Wash your hands thoroughly and put on an apron." She instructed. He licked his lips, he liked when she bossed him around but nonetheless he did was he was told. "Okay? Ready?" She asked.

"Do I need to put my hair up?" He asked. She looked at it carefully and bit her lip.

"Maybe put on a hair net?" Looking around, she reached over to another counter top and pulled out a hairnet for him to wear. Her hair was already in a bun so it was fine. She tried not to laugh at him as he put it on but he looked so ridiculous that she had to get out her phone and take a photo.

"Stop! Don't laugh at me! This was your idea!" He tried to cover the camera as she cackled with laughter.

Once she calmed down, she put her phone away and took her place at the baking station with all the ingredients.

"Okay we have flour, salt, yeast, sugar, unsalted butter, water, eggs, oil and icing sugar." She pointed at each ingredient. "These are really easy to make. We'll be done in under and hour." She told him. He grinned at her serious voice but nodded.

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