83. tuesday night, december 2016

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Our man is 34 now.
Also I'm really excited for the next couple of chapters :)

"And we're going to your ex's friends New Years party because?" Harry asked, doing up his shirt. Luna came out of the bathroom, fully ready for the night.

"Because they're my friends and I have no other plans. I want to enjoy my New Years." She explained. He pulled on his jacket and started to do his hair.

"You want to see him. That's fine, you do you." He shrugged. Luna looked at him through the mirror where he was gelling his hair.

"I just want to have some fun." She replied. Harry didn't say anything, just finished his hair in silence.

Alex was already at Jamie's house as the boys helped set up. He kind of just lingered around the house, moving out of the way of people who were actually doing something.

"Are you nervous?" Matt asked him. Alex jumped at his voice, not realising he was next to him.

"I'm fine." He mumbled, shoving his hand in his pocket and fumbling with the ring he had acquired there. Matt nodded, leaving his side to keep helping putting things out.

Alex walked outside to the large garden, there were many people setting up tables and a small stage where a DJ would be, or band. Alex took a seat on one of the outside chairs and pulled out his phone.

He flicked through emails and texts, not really knowing what he was looking for. One text in particular caught his eye, it seemed to be from his publicist.

Hiya Al, tell Luna congratulations for me on her interview. She was so sweet about you! Can't even complain about her mentioning you as it was such good press!

Enjoy your holidays!

Alex stared at the text, the interview. He hadn't even considered reading it, assuming it hadn't even come out yet but it had been a few weeks now. The only problem was that he couldn't remember what the magazine was called.

Out of curiosity, he googled her name. Simply typing Luna Temple into google. His eyes widened at the countless articles putting her name next to his. It made his heart ache slightly. Eventually he came across one without his name in the title.

Luna's Temple of goods. It was titled. Alex almost rolled his eyes but stopped once he started reading it.

The interview wasn't just, here's what the interviewer said and here's how she replied. This man had described his first impressions of her, Alex read over the description of what she was wearing and almost teared up.

It seemed almost unusual to call her beautiful respectfully because it seemingly did not suit her. Extraordinary seemed more like it and not just in image but in personality as I would soon to come to find. She wore a tranquil white shirt and what appeared to be men's tailored sky blue trousers. She was professional, put together and assertive. Everything a businesswoman needed to be and she radiated it proudly.

He read the whole thing, his eyes glued to the screen, unable to turn away as if he were watching a car crash. His heart jumped whenever she mentioned him, He's very supportive, Alex is the reason I pushed myself beyond Sheffield, he's a huge part of my journey.

Having done my research on her relationship with Turner, it was not prominent that she was anything other than his girlfriend. All articles labelled her the girlfriend, new fling or latest catch. Of course, all these articles aim to make the teenage reader at home still think they have a chance with said rockstar. In her story, he is not Alex Turner the rockstar, he is Alex the supportive boyfriend who goes to substantial lengths to make sure she feels as if her dream is obtainable.

alexander- a.tOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora