6. wednesday night, october 2003

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Alex was strumming his guitar and writing down new ideas for his music class. It was by far his favourite class to be in. Luna's friends were in it as well, Jamie and Nick and they had formed a sort of group while sitting in the class.

Alex hummed to himself when something hit him on his arm. He practically jumped out of his skin when it touched him, he scrambled away and protected his guitar but then he heard some giggling.

Composing himself, Alex plucked up the courage to go over to the window and see what was down there. But, instead of a murderer, he saw Luna looking around the house. He caught her eye and she grinned; his heart lurched.

"Oh Alexander!" She sang. "Can I come up?" She asked confidently. It was half twelve on a school night, Alex wasn't even meant to be up himself and his parents were already in bed.

"Sure." He replied. It was Luna, he wasn't about to turn down an opportunity to see her.

He quickly cleaned up his room before heading downstairs to let her in. The whole house was pitch black as he crept down the stairs. He opened the door slowly and she tip toed in, waving a bag in front of her. She had drugs.

"What's that?" He whispered, his voice full of fear.

"Calm down it's just weed." She giggled and kissed his cheek. He shut the door slowly and led her upstairs to his room.

Once his door was shut, he let out a small breath of relief. His parents room was all the way at the other end of the hall so as long as they spoke quietly they wouldn't know she was here.

Alex watched as Luna pulled up his window and started putting things on it. She had something that looked like a pencil sharpener, her bag of weed and a small circular thing. It was things she kept in her makeup bag at all times in case she needed them at parties or something.

"Are you okay? Why are you up?" He asked, sitting on his bed. Luna looked up at him, she couldn't tell him about Brian just yet.

"Needed a smoke, thought you might benefit." She lied. He had never smoked weed before. Once him and Matt had tried to buy it off a kid in year 11 but they ended up with just a bag of leaves from the local park.

She used the pencil sharpener looking item to grind the substance and then she placed it in the paper and started to roll. The small circular thing went at the end. She did it so quickly, it was rather impressive. She made eye contact with Alex as she licked the paper and fastened it all together.

"Right. Ready?" She nodded her head towards the window as if to call him over.

"It smells." He pointed out, worried for when his mum came into his room the following morning. She ignored him as she sparked her lighter and started to wave it round the end of the joint.

Alex has to take a deep breath as she closed her eyes and blew out a long stream of smoke from her mouth. It was extremely attractive and he didn't quite know what to do with himself.

"Just breathe in and then breathe out." She said as she gave it to him. He stared it at for a moment before copying what she did. Luna giggled gorgeously while watching him.

"See, couple more and you'll be as high as a kite." She laughed. She placed it back in her mouth and smiled at him, he smiled back. "Come 'ere." She pulled it out of her mouth and pulled his face to hers. Before Alex could do anything, she placed her lips to his ever so slightly and blew smoke into his mouth. Alex's eyes widened.

"Wow." He breathed but then it hit him in the back of the throat and he erupted in a fit of coughing. Luna laughed but he placed his hand over her mouth. "Parents." He coughed. She shut her mouth and nodded.

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