61. saturday, may 2015

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Luna turned up to Jack's flat when the party was already in full swing. Alex was meant to be meeting her later as he was in the studio with Miles so for now she was alone with a bunch of people she didn't know. She couldn't wait until she was with the boys later on.

"Luna! You made it!" A familiar voice yelled. It was Jack. She grinned at the sight of him and hugged him hello.

"Thanks for inviting me." She responded politely. He nodded with a wide smile on his face.

"No problem. Where's this famous Alex?" He looked around but she shook her head.

"He's coming later. He's at the studio right now." She answered.

"Perfect! Let's get you a drink" He put his arm around her and led her away from the entrance.

"Luna!" Someone yelled. She turned around to see Jasmine walking towards her, her heart felt an immense sense of relief immediately.

"Oh thank god" She wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her tightly. "How do you know Jack?" she asked.

"Oh, I don't. I think he's mates with the guy I'm shagging" She looked around for someone but seemed to not care whether she found them or not.

"Oh, lovely." Luna laughed. Jasmine shrugged.

"Grab a drink. Isabelle is here as well with her new piece" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I should've brought Jen" She pointed out, pouring herself a drink.

"We're over here" She directed her.

An hour later Alex entered the open door of the flat that Luna had texted him the address of. There were lots of people around, a lot of people that seemed to give him second glances as he walked around trying to find her.

He found her Luna on a sofa, surrounded by people. He held back for a second, observing her in her natural habitat. She was so good with people. Her face elated when she spoke and when people seemed genuinely interested in what she was saying. His heart raced as he watched her.

"Alex, right?" Someone snapped him out of his trance. He turned to his right to see a familiar looking man. "I'm Jack, Luna's friend." Holding out his hand, Alex smiled. Luna had assured him that she hardly knew this kid and that him asking her out was a one off because she looked sad.

"Ah, right. Yes, I'm Alex." He took his hand and shook it. "You have a nice place." He complimented.

"Thanks. Luna seems to like it." Alex was taken aback by what he had said. "Doesn't she look at home here?" He turned to face Luna. Alex stared at this man, didn't he know he was talking to her boyfriend?

"Well, she's good with people." Alex replied best he could but he watched how Jack looked at her and he didn't like it.

"Where are you staying right now? A hotel?" He asked. Alex blinked wildly at this man, who was clearly challenging him.

"Right. I think I should tell Luna I'm here." He ignored his question and walked away before any sort of jealousy hit him.

Luna's eyes were drawn to him the minute he entered the vicinity . She grinned wildly as she watched his slightly tense figure walk over to her.

"Alex!" She beamed. "Guys this is my boyfriend, Alex." She introduced him to her new group of friends. He sat down on the sofa next to her and kissed her hungrily. "You okay?" She asked, noticing him be a bit off.

"Fine." He answered which meant he wasn't and she knew that. He looked around, recognising Jasmine and Isabelle, he nodded to them and they grinned back.

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