21. monday, january 2004

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Alex was bundled up in many layers as him and Matt walked to the bus stop. It had snowed all weekend and it was clearly not going to stop anytime soon but there had not been any sign of their college closing so they had headed off anyway.

But, the bus never came. The roads were too icy, it was too dangerous. So, they just stood there like idiots waiting for a bus that was never going to come.

"I guess school's cancelled?" Matt questioned. Alex looked around, the streets were bare of any cars. It was like the apocalypse had happened.

"Where is everyone?" Alex asked. Matt shrugged.

"Back to mine?" He offered. Alex was about to agree when he saw a figure practically skipping up the road. He squinted his eyes in the dark winter light.

"Y'alright dickheads! Snow day!" It was Luna, she looked extremely happy. She also looked really warm in many jumpers and a huge coat. Her wellies went past her knees easily and wrapped around her thighs tightly. A scarf covered her face and even though she looked like a marshmallow, she still looked beautiful to Alex.

"How'd you know?" Matt asked as she reached them.

"Harry told me. Plus, do you see any form of transport to get you there?" She grinned. That was good enough for Alex.

"Where to then?" He asked. She punched him playfully on the arm.

"That's my lad. Come on, the rest of 'em are at the park." She told them. Alex took out his phone and texted his mum where he was before following her down the road towards the park. "Are you ready for your next band practice, Al?" Luna asked as they walked.

"Uh, yeah I guess. We've had a few already though." He pointed out. Luna nodded.

"I know but I think Harry might have a surprise for you." She winked. Alex looked at Matt, who shrugged and the conversation stopped as they had reached the park.

Their whole group was there, throwing snowballs and screaming loudly as they chased each other around. Joanna ran up to Alex to kissed him hard on the mouth.

"Snow day!" She squealed, running back to the others. Alex looked to his side, Luna was gone while Matt was smiling at him.

"You need to seal the deal on that, mate." He patted him on the shoulder. Alex smirked.

"I don't like what you're implying, Matthew." He joked. Matt shook his head.

"Christ, Alex. I meant take her out on a date or sommat." He pushed him away playfully, Alex laughed loudly but shrugged nonetheless. Maybe he should take Joanna out. Matt ran forwards and picked up some snow before throwing it at Jamie. Alex watched but suddenly something cold hit his face. He turned to his side to see Luna grinning widely at him.

"Come on, Alexander!" She yelled. Alex grinned back and picked up some snow to throw back at her.

The fight went on for a while, everyone being hit multiple times and being thrown around. Alex's face was ice cold as he stopped running away to catch his breath. The combination of running, throwing, breathing and laughing was too much and the next snowball that hit him made him fall down into the snow.

He stared up at the plain white sky but suddenly Joanna's face came into his eyeline.

"You good?" She asked. He just started to wheeze laugh, having still not caught his breath.

"I'm good." He pulled himself up so he was sitting up and she sat next next to him. Everyone was still running around except for Luna and Matt, who were making a snowman. "Hey, Jo?" He turned his head to look at her. She smiled at her nickname coming from his mouth.

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