96. friday, may 2018

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Ignore the beyond boring presenter but this is what I imagine their house to be like

"We have many things to celebrate tonight, my dear." Alex's voice appeared behind Luna as she pulled out all the bottles of alcohol she had just bought.

The bakery had been open for almost a year now and was thriving much to Luna's surprise. It was surprisingly easy to manage both stores from London, making the occasional journey up to Sheffield just to check everything was still going smoothly.

They had moved in to the house Alex had bought them just before Christmas but due to Alex's busy schedule and new album release, they had only just got everything in and settled.

The album release of Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino had been nerve wracking to say the lease. Alex knew it was a left turn for the monkeys but he believed in this album more than any other and with Luna's support in all those times he considered scrapping it and writing another rock album, it had finally just been released.

"Oh yeah?" Luna smiled at his voice. She turned her head and saw that his beard was getting out of control now. Never did she think Alex would suit a beard but he had been growing it along with his hair. It made him look older but way more sexy than any amount of gel could do.

"Finally moved in, album's been released." He listed, leaning against the kitchen top behind her. Luna arranged the bottles on the counter top as he moved around her. She always noticed the way they moved when neither of them were talking, it was almost like a dance.

"I just love this house, Alexander" She finally replied when all the bottles were organised. By then he was eating the crisps she had laid out on the table. He spun around as if her words had caught him out while he was doing something he wasn't supposed to.

"I wish it had a bigger garden" He looked out of the back doors to where their terrace was. Ingrid had had her say in the design of their house but the terrace was Luna's favourite part. The garden furniture was beautiful and gave them a lovely look out onto other London buildings.

"It's perfect" She walked over to him, placing her hands either side of his torso and sliding them round to bring their chests together. He automatically leant down and pressed his lips to hers before bringing his hand up to her face.

"Let's have some fun, baby" He smirked down at her. Just as he said that, the doorbell went off. Luna leapt from him and practically skipped to the door. Alex watched from behind, admiring her as always.

Luna opened the door to Miles, who leapt onto her without hesitation. Miles was rarely the first one to a party but when it came to Alex's he wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. He had a bottle of tequila in his hand and the other wrapped around her.

"He's in the kitchen" She laughed, knowing who he was really there for. Miles kissed her cheek and walked past her to Alex. As she went to close the door, she saw Jen and Josh walking up the road. This was going to be awkward with Miles. "Hey! Welcome!" She yelled at them. Jen sped up and wrapped her arms around her best friend.

"Hey!" They greeted each other, squeezing each other tightly.

Within half an hour, everyone had arrived. Matt arrived without Breana which was odd, Jamie and Katie arrived not long after them. Nick and his wife Kelly arrived and luckily Carla had managed to come down for the weekend. Ingrid arrived, accidentally arriving at the same time as Harry. Luna's face was a sight when she opened the door to the two of them standing there.

"Hello" She laughed at the timing. They both awkwardly stood there, smiling.

"Lovely house" Harry cut through, kissing Luna on the cheek and moving past.

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