32. friday, november 2011

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Alex stood around the corner from the bakery for a long time before finally working up the courage to walk in confidently. Today was his second attempt and confidence was key.

He hadn't been back to the bakery since the day she had promised him to make yum yum's. That never happened as he decided to go and see him family and then ended up travelling to see his nan for a day.

"Luna Temple." He declared as he walked in. There were a few customers dotted around but there she was, stood behind the counter. She smiled as she saw him.

"Hey Alex" She replied nonchalantly as he walked towards her. He was a man on a mission. "Coffee?" She asked.

"I'm going back to LA tomorrow." He ignored her question. She continued to smile but narrowed her eyebrows, clearly not taking him seriously.

"I know, Al. You told me." She laughed, pouring him a coffee in a to go cup.

"So, tonight I'm going to take you out." He stated. That's how he had picked up women in America for the past month, told them what was going to happen. It was a technique he had learnt from Miles.

"Are you now? What if I'm busy?" She raised her eyebrows. Alex became frustrated.

"Cancel your plans. I'm going to LA tomorrow. This is our last chance, Luna." He started to sound desperate so he coughed and tried to compose himself.

"Our last chance to do what?" She squinted her eyes again suspiciously. He licked his lips and her eyes fell to them before making their way back to his eyes.

"To spend time together." He answered. She smiled and put the lid on his coffee, sliding it over to him. His heart dropped as she took a step back.

"On the house." She replied, nodding to the coffee. Alex bit his lip nervously, feeling embarrassed. He picked up the coffee and sighed. "Pick me up at eight." She said as he was about to turn away. He couldn't help but break into a grin.

"Okay." He replied triumphantly. "Thanks for the coffee." He nodded to the drink, she smiled.

"Anytime, Alexander." She replied. He nodded and walked out.

He bit his bottom lip hard as he could as we walked down the street. Then, he couldn't help himself he fist punched the air and laughed to himself.

"Still got it, Al." He muttered, feeling like he had a purpose for the first time since Alexa broke up with him.

Alex went back to his parents house, went out for lunch with his dad and went to the shops to buy some flowers and cigarettes for Luna.

At eight ten he arrived, having got lost on his way back from the shop. He wore black suit trousers, a white button up shirt and a black blazer. His hair was gelled as usual and his sunglasses hung on his chest pocket.

Luna opened the door, revealing her outfit. The top half of her was covered by a low cut red top. Alex's eyes travelled down her body, gazing over her tight black skirt and black knee socks. Her black ankle boots clicked against the floor as she took a step back.

"I got you these." He shoved the flowers at her, she grinned at them.

"Thank you. You're such a gentlemen nowadays." She laughed, placing them on the table in her hallway before stepping out with him.

As they started to walk, Alex felt extremely nervous. He wanted to hold her hand but he was scared it would be too sweaty. He took out a cigarette and lit it as they walked, wiping his hands on his trousers as he put the packet back.

"So, where are you taking me?" She asked. Alex took the ciggie out his mouth.

"The Hellcat." He replied. "It may sound selfish but I haven't been there in years and I need something to remind me of the good times." He continued. Luna nodded.

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